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About SanFranSRNA

SanFranSRNA has 5 years experience and specializes in CIC, CVICU, MSICU, NeuroICU.

Class of 2012 Samuel Merritt University CRNA Program

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  1. Fluid bolus with BP 140s/100s?

    Hello everyone, I love to offer my opinion on this topic. Previous information about myself: 4 years CVICU, 1 year of Neuro and 11 months left in anesthesia school. Personally I would probably would...
  2. Mag sulphate with preeclampsia

    Magnesium sulfate has many indications. In OB setting, I use magnesium sulfate for tocolytic and seizure prophylaxis. Although the use of magnesium sulfate for the purpose of tocolysis is falling...
  3. Respiratory Care Flow Rates/ Student needs help!

    Hi I am a student nurse anesthetis. I'm going to offer in input but this is from anesthesia point of view. Inspiratory flow rate (IFR) is measured Liter/minute. IFR determines how quickly the...
  4. New Nurse Needs Orientation Advice

    Hi Silvergem....I used to work in Nevada and the Med/Surg ratio is 1:8 patients with tech assigned. I can't imagine that the facility can justify giving you up to 10 patients. Total care should be...
  5. All Those NPs with No Bedside Experience

    Just curious...what do you think about PA? bedside experience..yet function similarly to
  6. Simple IV Questions

    yup...I agree with Getoverit...Insulin=dedicated line...NEVER EVER piggyback insulin this is not a safe practice. If the patient is sick enough to require IV insulin gtt...then another IV should be...
  7. Great First Day!!!

    Wow...seems like a great first day. Congratulations. I graduated from RN program in 2005. You reminded me how I enjoyed clinical..... Keep up the great
  8. I am happy for you. Know your limitations and know where you can seek help. Good
  9. Need more info please Dx Type and dose of Inotrope HB? 3 degrees? Brady? What is the dose of beta
  10. I am not going to speak of what's going on in the East Coast nor the Midwest. Here in California all three schools produce a little over 70 graduates per year. Most of the senior who graduated in...
  11. I am not sure about that....I am currently attending a school in northern California. I know plenty of people with good grades and a lot of ICU experience who didn't even get interview. CRNA...
  12. I really think that you will be ok...Apply...and wait and
  13. I am not sure about having only one RN on the floor. What about breaks? How do you cover breaks with no RN on the floor. There should be at least 2
  14. I am also in the same boat. I'm in the alternate list...but pretty far down the list. I don't think that I will make it this