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  1. gotcha. i do understand that scripting is difficult for most of us to accept. i always ask "is there anything else i can do for you", but the "i have the time" part does sound a little weird. i do...
  2. Hourly rounding is not really a new concept- it was considered standard practice when I entered nursing in the late 70's. If a patient is sick enough to be in the hospital, someone should be checking...
  3. Mothering?

    The problem with discipline is, the person standing by the cup, or angio, or whatever else may not be the one who left it there. It's hard for me to tell exactly who is responsible for the mess. I...
  4. How Would You Handle Pt Anger r/t Wait?

    Proactively notifying manager of busy shift/multiple codes, any attempts to diffuse angry patients or just heads up in case problems later reported very helpful for Mgr to have facts at hand in...
  5. Empathic part of nursing

    American Heritage New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition empathy [(em-puh-thee)] Identifying oneself completely with an object or person, sometimes even to the point of responding...
  6. Write-Ups & Disciplinary Action

    Most places have this policy- if it isn't workers comp or FMLA, it counts. They usually have a limit on how many times you can call off before disciplinary action is taken. If you have a chronic...
  7. The MATRIX

    Probably referring to a matrix system of staffing. You take your hours per pt day (theoretically based on average acuity), and use that to determine how many staff members you need for each census...
  8. in house job transfers

    Usually they discuss things like attendance, attiude, teamwork, dependability to complete assignments, and any other issues (good or bad) that we want the other manager to know. Some places award the...
  9. Getting staff to "own" the unit

    On behalf of all of us managers on this board....THANK YOU ! We really do just as much work as the staff do, it's just different work. We're all part of the team, we just have different
  10. Adequate Staffing

    33 bed med surg unit: typical staffing when full is 5 RN, 2 LPN (days and nights), with 4 NA on days, 2 NA on eves and 1-2 NA on nights. Sometimes go with 3 RNs and 3 LPNs if there aren't 5 RNs...
  11. Getting staff to "own" the unit

    All of the above statements make sense. I think you have greatly misunderstood me. I definitely do listen to my staff. Many great ideas and solutions to problems have arisen out of those hallway and...
  12. Getting staff to "own" the unit

    I can't speak for any others, but for me it's not a matter of asking them to do my job. It's simply that I really do believe that when the team works together on a project or problem, the outcome is...
  13. Nurse dates doctor openly at work.

    1. Many couples have met at work- not unusual, not necessarily unprofessional. 2. If he's married, then he's a pig and she should dump him, but unless I'm a close friend who can talk to her about...
  14. Nursing Unions-what is the good,bad, ugly?

    One thing I'm not crazy about in regards to unions is that you lose some flexibility and control. For instance, where I work the posted job always is awarded by seniority- the manager can't choose...
  15. Is it true?!?! Say it aint so...

    We had to do breast exams but not pelvic exams. The teacher stood by and watched- it was disgusting. We wrote to the dean to complain about that and several other things- the teacher was removed...