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All Content by rfs2886

  1. UTHSC at San Antonio fall 09

    oh yea, we are not allowed to wear clogs. They shoes have to have a full back. I would just get some kind of sneaker that is going to be comfortable because you will be on your feet all day.
  2. UTHSC at San Antonio fall 09

    Plain black shoes, preferably leather. It is alright for there to be a symbol on them as long as it is not huge. For example, a nike sign would be fine. The uniform is going to be black pants and burnt orange top (which you have to buy from school). ...
  3. UTHSC at San Antonio fall 09

    Okay... this is what you do: If you have multiple offers from different schools you pick the best one and reply YES. Nothing is binding, if you get a better offer, all you do is call and tell them I am sorry, but I got another offer that I decided to...
  4. UTHSC at San Antonio fall 09

    Honestly, I have a blackberry. I NEVER use if for school! But, its available if you want it.
  5. UTHSC at San Antonio fall 09

    Trueblondy- Did you apply for the accelerated program here? Congrats on 7 schools, way to keep your options open!
  6. UTHSC at San Antonio fall 09

    Well to be honest with you, I dont really know that much. I know that for TAMUCC you have to take Health Transitions which is a pathophysiology class. I really havnt heard much else. Did you get accepted to the nursing school already or just to the c...
  7. UTHSC at San Antonio fall 09

    Yes, we know each other in person and we talked on allnurses during our application process. Yes, I applied and was accepted to TAMUCC. What do you wanna know?
  8. UTHSC at San Antonio fall 09

    AznPlayR99, why are you doggin me? I know where to find you...... jk. And I dont know what your talking about, I have all A's, I have plenty to do, and I have learned more this semester than I learned in 4 years of college. Yes, the majority of 1st s...
  9. UTHSC at San Antonio fall 09

    Trueblondy, I am only in my first semester, so I am not so sure about the NCLEX. Do you remember the test you took for your interview? Well that same company (ATI) has a NCLEX review series that is required for every student and it is built into the ...
  10. UTHSC at San Antonio fall 09

    Hey Trueblondy, I would suggest you pick UTHSCSA. I was torn also between the two and I am so glad I picked UTHSCSA (well actually TWU chose for me b/c i didnt get in). My good friend got into TWU and dropped out because she hated it so much. She sa...
  11. UTHSCSA - UT Health Science Center San Antonio - Spring 09

    Does anyone else think that info was overwhelming? YIKES!
  12. UTHSCSA - UT Health Science Center San Antonio - Spring 09

    true that! Well at least we know that if they do change the uniform, it wont be an ugly white shirt because I have never seen and orange or black shirt like that. haha.
  13. UTHSCSA - UT Health Science Center San Antonio - Spring 09

    Orange? OMG that is horrible! I would much rather wear white.
  14. UTHSCSA - UT Health Science Center San Antonio - Spring 09

    Hey everyone, I was looking at the tuition bill and it says something like $160 for fitness center. Well I know that UTHSCSA is pairing with Spectrum and building this bran new fitness club. Does anyone know anything about this? Apparently it will b...
  15. UTHSCSA - UT Health Science Center San Antonio - Spring 09

    Has anyone noticed how one of the books is called Fund.Of Nursing w/ CD and there is another called the same thing Fund.OfNursing w/CD- Corrected. What the heck does this mean? Is it the same book? Wierd
  16. UTHSCSA - UT Health Science Center San Antonio - Spring 09

    Has anyone bought books yet? Is there a list somewhere?
  17. UTHSCSA - UT Health Science Center San Antonio - Spring 09

    Im not looking for a roomate, but after extensive apartment searching in the medical center and talking to many medical students, I would stay away from vintage. When I went there it was really really expensive and really really not worth the money. ...
  18. UTMB - Galveston Spring 09

    I got accepted too, but I am declining the offer. So for anyone who did not get accepted, keep your fingers crossed that you are next on the list!
  19. UTHSCSA - UT Health Science Center San Antonio - Spring 09

    Lancer - What do we have to wait for to get our ID and parking permit? I was going to do that when I go up there next week... it would suck if I couldn't.
  20. UTMB - Galveston Spring 09

    Did anyone get an acceptance today?
  21. UTMB - Galveston Spring 09

    Where does it say this about the acceptances on the website? I cant find it.
  22. UTHSCSA - UT Health Science Center San Antonio - Spring 09

    Does anyone know what parking is like on campus? Is it hard to get parking permits?
  23. UTHSCSA - UT Health Science Center San Antonio - Spring 09

    I registered. It was a little confusing. There are a ton of websites. I only registered for 3 classes (4 including the clinical). Does anyone know if we have to register for skills lab?? Also, does anyone know the email servers? I use apple mail and ...
  24. UTHSCSA - UT Health Science Center San Antonio - Spring 09

    I just got my registration packet and I think I registered. I am not sure if I did it correctly. PS - I just got bumped into the accelerated program!!!!! Pookster, keep your fingers crossed, your next!
  25. UTHSCSA - UT Health Science Center San Antonio - Spring 09

    Has anyone heard anything more about registration???