

ICU, Correctional Medicine, Adolescent

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About TaylorMade,R.N.

TaylorMade,R.N. specializes in ICU, Correctional Medicine, Adolescent.

Latest Activity

  1. Male Nurses/female Patients

    Take advantage of being a male nurse when it comes to female patients, because when the next 350 lbs. plus patient hits the unit, you can bet your check that you will be taken advantage of!! So ride...
  2. Rn - Msn (fnp)

    I am currently enrolled in the online FNP program at the University of South Alabama. The tuition is pretty reasonable, however my employer is footing the bill. I would reccommend the program so you...
  3. Accused of Racism!

    So I guess since some of the minorities use that to cover up their inadequacies, what is it called when the majority openly lie about their credentials, educational training?????? (JUST A BIG WHITE...
  4. Accused of Racism!

    Exactly what and who are considered nurses of color? I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but there are a number of colors that exist in the color spectrum. And correct me if I am wrong, but...
  5. undocumented immigrant wants to be a nurse

    Just because you are about to graduate doesn't mean that you will be able to sit for boards. Have you started the paper work to apply for licensure? When the background check comes back it will...
  6. I have been in MICU for 4yrs now, planning to take CCRN in MAY 05 and i'm considering a change from bedside nursing. I have had enough of the Code "Blues", "Browns, "Green" and every other color in...
  7. VAMC and the Union

    I personally am not a member of the Union because I know that as a federal employee we can't strike and the Union can only work for you within the constraints of the Master Agreement that they have...
  8. Where are you located VA nurses?

    Representing the Michael E. DeBakey VAMC here in Houston Texas. I think that it is VISN 16. Just transfered from VISN 7 in Montgomery,
  9. Where are you located VA nurses?

    Representing the Michael E. DeBakey VAMC here in Houston Texas. I think that it is VISN 16. Just transfered from VISN 7 in Montgomery,
  10. Few questions from a young one.

    I think that you need to rethink your 6 yr plan for become a CRNA. On average undergraduate school is 4-5 yrs, passing boards and getting a minimal of 1-2 yrs extensive ICU experience and then...
  11. Few questions from a young one.

    hello and welcome to the board. i sense a little nervousnes in your questions and would like to clear some things up for you right away. first of all if you have had a convicitons in your past this...
  12. African-American male Nurse Practitioners

    Yeah! We tend to not notice things when they don't apply to us. Like we still pretend today that RACISM doesn't exist. A lot of the majority population wouldn't have any EARTHYLY IDEA about racism...
  13. African-American male Nurse Practitioners

    Yeah! We tend to not notice things when they don't apply to us. Like we still pretend today that RACISM doesn't exist. A lot of the majority population wouldn't have any EARTHYLY IDEA about racism...
  14. African-American male Nurse Practitioners

    Hello Geoff It's always encouraging to see another brother entering in the profession. I can totally understand where you are coming because I fit the mold that you are looking for. I am currently...
  15. NP's in LTC

    Are there very many NP's on LTC and if so what are there more-FNP's, ANP's, or GNP's??? What is the job market like for NP's in LTC?? Do you feel like you have autonomy working in LTC as an NP? Just...