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About AgentR

AgentR has 8 years experience and specializes in Informatics.

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  1. My decision was up for my MSN program today. ADMIT!
  2. I talked to the admissions office about graduate decisions today. They said people would be notified towards the end of the
  3. ProEd Center Courses for RNC

    I took the inpatient obstetrics review in 2009 and sat for the test on the third day. I thought the review class was really helpful in brushing up on the concepts on the test. The review text that...
  4. I had new grads in a couple of my classes, at least one of whom was in the same situation as you. They either answered papers with hypotheticals or from situations they had seen in clinicals. I'm sure...
  5. There are no clinicals and no going anywhere for any of the classes. In community health you will do research on a community health problem in your area and focus on the resources available to the...
  6. I am applying to a MSN program for Fall 2012. I called them Wednesday, freaking out because one of my letters of reference had not been posted. They told me they had a ton to process, and they posted...
  7. Chamberlain vs Excelsior

    I had the exact experience that SuesquatchRN did. Chamberlain was more expensive, but has less ridiculous hoops to jump through. I am 2 weeks away from finishing all of my classes for my BSN and very...
  8. NR 351 (Transitions) teaches you all about how to write an APA format paper. Do yourself a favor and buy a program called PERLLA. It is an add on for Word that helps you automatically format your...
  9. Thanks for the info! I asked JHSON and they gave me some standard admissions data for the whole school. Obviously this program is pretty
  10. Are you aware of admissions rates or percentage of students who got federal funding for your cohort? I've tried getting though to the admissions department, but no luck hearing back from them so far....
  11. EBP isn't too bad. Three of the weeks are reading the same two studies and identifying the different parts of the research. The other two papers are just annotated bibliographies of 7 articles that...
  12. online rn to bsn chamberlain college

    Rent the textbooks! I rented all of mine through (there are other rental websites as well) and have never felt like I would have needed to keep any of them. The only book I've bought was the...
  13. online rn to bsn chamberlain college

    I got my grade for Econ yesterday. Luckily I'm carrying on my 4.0! So Econ may be hard but it is do-able. Remember to attend the live lectures, or at least view the recording. Those were really the...
  14. Two-minus-one pregnancy

    Pardon my mistype! That's what I get for replying late at night. Around here most of the reproductive endocrinologists have gone to single embryo transfer for women who have a good prognosis, which...
  15. Two-minus-one pregnancy

    I'm confused as to why the MD would implant more than one embryo if the patient had already decided to only have a singleton