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About Circl8r

Circl8r has 34 years experience and specializes in OR.

The most important thing that I do during the 8 hours that I am at work is to treat my patients the way that I want MY family to be treated. I have a very low BS tolerance, and I'm not afraid to use it ;)

Latest Activity

  1. Really Wanting To Start Nursing Career In The OR

    Congrats on starting school, and kudos for your interest in the OR. There are opportunities out there, I would recommend checking with your local
  2. Practicing without a license

    As a registered nurse, it is is your duty as a professional to report this to your state board of nursing. If she's done it once, she'll do it again, and needs to be stopped before something...
  3. Completely and totally disgusted.

    The travesty here is that someone can come from a foreign country 9 month pregnant; no prenatal care, no cash, and no English, and walk into any hospital to give birth. After birthing that baby, (who...
  4. Bair Huggers

    The practice of putting the bair hugger tubing underneath the sheet or blanket and and turning it on is potentially contaminating your sterile field with lint from the sheet/blanket. Good intentions...
  5. Bair Huggers

    Ladies and Gents: If you want to warm the bed prior to placing the patient on the bed, I would heartily suggest using the bair hugger blanket. Placing the hose between two sheets or a bath blanket...
  6. Flashing instrument trays

    Greetings colleagues: Just taking a little poll of the country, here. I know the flashing of instruments goes against AORN's recommended practice:nono:, however, I am interested in answere from around...
  7. Policies for masks in the OR

    Hi: We wear masks in any room that has opened sterile supplies. In the institution that I work currently, we also wear masks in the sterile core because occasionally a scrubbed person steps in to...
  8. SCD orders

    I'll never cease to be amazed at how some people can twist another's words to fit their needs. I am neither standing on higher ground, nor am I casting insults, young man. I merely stated that your...
  9. SCD orders

    OR male nurse, is there a reason that you feel that this thread must turn into a pi**ing match, because in my humbly opinionated opinion, that's what it's become. I'm sure that after three whole years...
  10. SCD orders

    Shodobe, thanks for your input and backup! We should oughta know something with 50 years in the OR, eh?
  11. SCD orders

    Are you aware that your preference card is as good as a doctor's order? If they are on your preference cards, you are covered and don't have to ask. On another level, check and see if there is a set...
  12. Belly Button Gunk

    I had a surgeon who called them "Oscars" little rewards, and have asked surgeons if I could bill for the procedure! I've seen some real 'clinkers' in my day! Remember when our Moms used to...
  13. Great license plate...

    I know an anesthesiologist: ISNOOZM A CRNA: SLEEP3 A Urologist: PLUMBR8 A Cardiologist: PQRST U My former plate: JUST A RN (inside joke), then DONA RN1 I changed plates and removed all references to...
  14. Guess the mispronounced medical term

    Then there's the ever popular labor "epidermal" for pain relief And my dear mother (God rest her soul) who took HARmones and antiBEEotics... This thread is a hoot...I'm really enjoying
  15. So I lost it? Am I out of Line?

    NO, all places are not alike. If I were you, I'd give my two weeks and hit the happy trail. There ARE places out there that actually care for their nurses. If it's feasible, try finding a magnet...