z's playa

z's playa

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  1. heeelpppppppppppp!!

    Dont you need to take the exam in the country you want to work in ? ( kind of just bumping this one up ) Example: If I wanted to work in Australia..I wouldnt go to Italy to take the test. I dont think....... Z
  2. Is this normal/typical?

    Sigh..........what can I say Cinderelly ......:rotfl: Sweep???? Dust???? Mop ????? Home care (at least here in Canda) does not necessarily mean...HOME CARE.......its just an expression folks......meaning to care AT home.......as in patient...not fl...
  3. why so mean?

    Hi ! :wink2:
  4. Help me

    Razor blades.........:rotfl: ........too funny . Z
  5. Help me

    Yup...I second that thought of what your spikes are made of. :chuckle ....We couldnt cut butter with one if we tried...... strange. Z
  6. Gonna puke...... My Gosh life is hard for an ER nurse...... Z
  7. Class Gift Ideas?

    Not sure who is getting the gift here. You...or them ...or what? :wink2: Z EEEEEEEEEEEEelaborate please :) ...is this some sort of tradition?
  8. Do Students Get Breaks In Clinicals?

    We break when our buddy nurse breaks.......or we break whenever our proff says "Take off eh?" hehehehe.......(jk).....like NOone says "take off eh" anymore......... 20 minutes for coffee......and 45 min for lunch.......unless our pt is really sick.....
  9. nurse & dr affair, what should I do?

    I forget who it was that said if she loved him ...she would leave him.....and THAT would prove she really truly cared..........what if the situation at home was unbearable for him...and she was his reason he could still stay in the house and keep san...
  10. I Got In!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    I love your writing ........so....RAW !!! LOL...(omfg)....that was so cute.... Way to go...and you sound like you did a good job keeping your cool ...NOT!! ..but thats okay......it was more fun for your boyfriend (the witness ) that way... :) Z
  11. It is ALMOST that time...

    I go back to my third year ! Imagine that...do you guys remember when I was writing one of those .." I got in !!!!!! "..posts?...Sooo young.....sooooo green....soo inoocent......NOW look at me.......an old experienced student who wont even LOOK at th...
  12. Nurses who are dancers...........

    Dance forms I enjoy are...... Exotic...........hehehe:lol2: ....kidding..oooonly kidding around ... Z
  13. Drug seeking or real pain? How do you tell?

    Thank you so much for taking the time to enlighten us with your story. It is soooo refreshing to read something real..if you know what I mean...I relly felt your frustration as you relayed that nurses' word game...wow....I would have "freeeeeeeked" ...
  14. Premium membership reservations?

    I have to wait until I start to work...I aslo have a few irks I need to iron out first before coming back.... I also have to keep in mind that our dollar is not as strong as yours in the USA so the "student" price works out to be the regular price in...
  15. Question re: lupus and fibromyalgia

    It may be I'm too tired to see it but...what is it you are skeptical about? The siezures? The lupus? The doctor's comment? Z