
Sand_Dollar BSN

Critical Care, Clinical Documentation Specialist

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About Sand_Dollar

Sand_Dollar has 5 years experience as a BSN and specializes in Critical Care, Clinical Documentation Specialist.

Clinical Documentation Specialist (RN) on weekdays, ICU RN on weekends for fun


Latest Activity

  1. Hi ivyleaf, I am currently a CDI in a level 2 trauma hospital. I have been looking at other positions and haven't found one that doesn't require at least 1 year of acute care nursing. The big...
  2. Twelve hour shifts. Are you doing 3 or 4 days a week?

    We work 3-12s for full time status. We can schedule anything above that at 1.5 pay, which are called incentive shifts. No mandatory
  3. New Grad orientation...

    Normally it's about 12 weeks in my hospital for the critical care units (8 for adult care). I was hired as a critical care float, so did 11 weeks on my 'home' unit of CVCU and got a week or two on the...
  4. Moving to OR, what ER to work at?

    Take a look at Salem Hospital, south of Portland. It has the busiest ED in Oregon. It's where I work and I absolutely LOVE it. There are many people who have been there 20+ years, the people and...
  5. New Grad

    Look for residency programs. They vary as far as experience goes. For example, in Colorado you can't have any work as an RN, while in Oregon you could have up to one year of experience. If you can,...
  6. Stay a float or specialize?

    A few months ago I got my first acute care job and was hired as a critical care float through my hospital's new grad residency program. My end goal is to be a traveler in critical care. Here is the...
  7. **POLL** New 1st Year RN Salary

    1) Oregon 2) 33.00 +shift diffs 3) New grad 4) Critical Care (starting $ applies to any
  8. New Graduate Positions in Portland Area

    I am in the most recent Salem residency cohort, as an adult critical care float. I applied through their careers section when I saw a listing up on the page. Don't forget about Legacy and Adventist...
  9. I just stared in a residency program in Oregon. On the west coast you can have up to a year experience and still be accepted into a program (in CO, you have to be fresh from school). You have to sign...
  10. Old/New Grad seeking ICU Internship (HELP)

    I graduated in May of 2013 as well. It took me until Sept to get my job at a clinic. Barely anyone would look at me. And acute care, forget it. So, I took what I could get because student loans were...
  11. hand written class notes vs typed

    I would make handwritten notes next to the lecture powerpoints which I had printed out. Once I got home I then made a set of study notes on my computer. This was the best thing for me... I would often...
  12. Currently any RN office jobs?

    I am working in a clinic right now. I want acute care, but in this market I'm just happy to have a job. I have to admit the 8-4:30 M-F is nice but the work is not challenging for all. Much of...
  13. Is there any nursing Job that is not stressful

    I am a new grad and got my first job in a non-profit clinic in WA. I do med refills, manage the anticoagulation patients, do DM education, phone triage...stuff like that. I work 8-4:30 M-F and I have...
  14. First post-mortem today...

    On the first day of my ICU Sr Practicum I got to participate in my first code. The patient came into the ED as a code and I got to go because my preceptor was the ICU charge. Not only did I get to...
  15. Legacy RN Residency - Winter 2014

    Critical care for me too. :) Good luck