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All Content by becky5438

  1. New/old new grad in behavioral ltc

    I just wonder what I am doing wrong to not even get a couple days to consider my app....its like....we got it and.....turned down...thanks
  2. New/old new grad in behavioral ltc

    I graduated in may 2011 with adn. I accepted a job at a LTC behavioral health facility and have been employed there ever since. I have been applying to various other jobs at local hospitals because....though I have learned alot...I feel I am missing ...
  3. New/old new grad in behavioral ltc

    I enjoy my job. Some days are better than others but overall I enjoy it. Like others have said I want to make sure I have options which I am already short of. I am gonna start my bachelors program soon. Even though I most days like my job I just feel...
  4. anyone have a clinical day

    where everything just seems to go bad. My first day back in the hospital after winter break, I'm a bit rusty on skills anyway, in a different hospital so I didn't know where everything was, and so on and so forth. My patient was ok, but she did not l...
  5. Nervous about comps

    I have my comp testing next week, I know my stuff, I have practiced in the lab throughout the semester and probably at least 8 hours outside of class this week. I am just worried that when I get in there I will get nervous and go blank. Does anyone h...
  6. My program moved away from the waiting list. I think it was between 1 and two years when they had it. Now you apply and either your in the next semester or you can reapply for the following semester. I applied in march, was accepted in April and star...
  7. how many classmates dropped in your first semester?

    we started with 40 and are now down to 36, with 4 week to go in the first semester. I know the two people from my lab group were doing good. They realized nursing wasn't there cup of tea. I know of one other person who failed out, and the last one, I...
  8. assessment paper

    I'm sure someone else has had to do one. Mine involves a complete medical history from patient and medical charts. relevant meds for each system, risk factors from lifestyle, orders(activity,scd's etc)grid, reason for diet ordered. 24 hour diet plan,...
  9. should i stay or should i go

    I am having a tough time. I am doing great in class, my clinical instructor says I'm doing good. I still get nervous at clinicals, last week my nurse said I seem timid. Today we had our injecction lab, my instuctor asked me if I get shakey when I am ...
  10. should i stay or should i go

    I do have the drive. It has just been such a discouraging week. It makes me wonder if I have what it takes?
  11. was anyone an emt prior

    I am currently in nursing school. I like it and I think I will like the profession, but I find myself drawn to becoming a paramedic. I have been looking into it because I would love the idea of my job being so intense. I know nursing is intense also,...
  12. timid

    In my clinical today my nurse told me I seem timid. I am kind of nervous in the hospital, but I'm in my first semester with no health care experience. I know I shouldn't take it personally, but it kind of hurt my feelings. I am normally not a timid p...
  13. timid

    I'm not a timid person at all outside clinicals. I think I get nervous because I am intimidated at this point. I'm still new to this.
  14. People are dropping like flies

    notebooks suck. If you really want it, it can happen.(hopefully, im still in my first semester)
  15. People are dropping like flies

    I'm in my first semester, and we have lost a few people. I'm my opinion most of them did not like nursing. The two we lost last week said it just wasnt for them, and they knew what was right for them. I bet a few just failed out(someone left a test c...
  16. How are you holding up with school?

    so far so good. I feel like I could get better grades but im not doing bad by any means. I need to get used to clinicals, I think that is where most of my stress i coming from, I feel lost because I have no healthcare experience.
  17. What do you do with your limited spare time?

    I treat school like a job, by sixish I am done for the most part. The rest of my evening is for me. I may go back and look at a few things if I need to clear something I am thinking about. I also study on the weekends but I have the same policy. My e...
  18. need help with nervousness

    I have only had two days in clinical, but I need to get over my nervousness. Yesterday my patient could tell I was nervous, as could a senior nursing student that wa there to help us out, she noticed my hands were a little shaky when I was listening ...
  19. need help with nervousness

    thanks for the advice, i appreciate it.
  20. need help with nervousness

    No im not a nervous person. both of my patients were in there 90's, which does make me a little worried about hurting them because they were so thin and frail. I don;t know what my problem is, i was fine until I actually went into the room. I am not ...
  21. kind of nervous

    Ok, real nervous, tomorrow is my first day at the hospital. We are just going to do vital signs and bed baths. I'm real nervous about the bedbath thing. I'm not a CNA and have never worked in healthcare but I feel really awkward about bathing someone...
  22. am i wrong

    I have just started nursing school(4 weeks in) and all I seem to have time to do is read. I heard that I should spend alot of time does reading count.....cuz that seems to be the only studying I do(I do the write out the objectives eac...
  23. Advice needed

    How do you manage to get all the reading done and actually comprehend it all. I'm only in my second week and the reading is overwhelming me.(plus I got strep throat right before school started and it came back a day after I was done with mt abx, so i...
  24. Students not working while going to school....

    I actually got a blessing in disguise. I was laid off in april, I had worked for the company for eight years and this was the first time they have ever had to do layoffs. They got rid of half of their employees and I was one of them. I decided I woul...
  25. Kishwaukee College

    Hi, I start the program at Kishwaukee college this August. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how the program is and what to expect. I am very excited but also kind of nervous.