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All Content by guiltysins

  1. Are Jobs So Plentiful?

    Thanks for posting your resume, it does give me ideas and also read your cover letter which was amazing. I'd offer you a job if I had one LOL. I think it's great that you included your experience from clinicals on your resume and that instead of just...
  2. "You cannot have BSN or MSN on your nametag?"

    I'm a student and I'm going for my BSN and I honestly don't care whether its on my badge or not however, if I get a certification such as CPN then I would want that on my badge IF I'm working in that field. Does it mean I'm better? Not at all but it ...
  3. What are the requirements?

    I think if you already have A&P done then they will probably wave the general bio course.
  4. NYU College of Nursing as a Transfer

    I can't tell you much but my friend transferred in to NYU for her last two years of nursing from another school and the only pre-reqs she had to take at NYU was the ones that she didn't take before (Nutrition wasn't required for our nursing program)....
  5. What are the requirements?

    To be accepted into the introductory term all you need is a high school diploma, the admission exam and the pre-req to A&P which is a general bio course, you can do this at City Tech or a different school. After you take that class you can take A...
  6. do you care about your patients?

    I don't think most patients would think that their nurses are suppose to care about them after they leave the hospital or for the rest of their lives. A lot of patients don't feel like the nurses care in general. Meaning that they aren't there to car...
  7. Help va Rn looking to move to NY!

    Agreed, maybe in upstate New York things aren't as bad off but in the city? They're just bleh, in every single job pretty much. Also, a lot of large scale hospitals have started with their BSN-preferred and BSN required comments so I definetely think...
  8. Mount Sinai inquiries

    I agree but those nursing postings have been up for so long it's hard to tell how old they even are. If you'll notice there are 279 of them. I think at one point they were considering new grads for most of the jobs they have but a lot of their posts ...
  9. Native NYer going out of state for school?

    I don't think you'll have any problems, I mean good recommendations sometimes go much further than connections. I like LIU, aside from the tuition I don't have too many complaints, sometimes it's disorganized but if you are patient they will work for...
  10. I only want to be a PP or L&D nurse.....

    I use to think the only thing I could see myself doing is PP. For some reason the unit just clicked for me and I've done a lot of research about it. I'm not done with school yet but I am keeping my options open about every field because you never mig...
  11. One of my good friends is a CMA and she identifies herself as a certified medical assistant. She said she would never identify herself as a nurse because she's not and she has no reason to. She went to school for two years and got her associates to b...
  12. I think it depends on what you consider a bad school. Just because standards are a little lower doesn't make the school a bad program. Most employers don't go through the trouble of researching nursing programs, they look at your GPA and go by that. ...
  13. For some it's all about luck. Peds is VERY difficult because everyone seems to want it. Maternity it depends on the area with that too. L&D is almost impossible in some places, my friend wanted L&D but she opted for taking Mother/Baby because...
  14. pre reqs difficulty

    Certain pre-reqs I was good at, I didn't have to study as much, like psychology and math but on of things that usually helps is flashcards. It can be tiresome reading a huge paragraph but if you sum something up in just one or two lines, you can reme...
  15. Right now I want to graduate and get my BSN (2012). I want to work on the Mother-Baby Unit (aka postpartum unit) and after two years or so I'd like to get certified in maternal-newborn nursing. I might also do something like lactation consultant or c...
  16. SENIOR year of nursing

    I'm not but I just wanted to say congrats to the both of you for making it almost to the end, though I have no doubt you guys will make it all the way!
  17. Whine alert! OB/Peds

    I haven't taken either of these but I'm looking forward to both when I get them. What appeals to me as the pediatric nurse and the nicu nurse said is that it's more focused on family care and not just one patient. I love the fact that certain areas, ...
  18. Stuudents kicked out of nursing program in NY state

    No problem! Make sure you keep us updated!
  19. When are you no longer a new grad?

    It depends on how you want to evaluate it. If a student graduates in 2009 and they still haven't worked, a recruiter doesn't consider them a new grad in 2010 and new grad programs don't consider them a new grad, even though they have never worked. I...
  20. I called in today, no I mean ..I called Out! / huh??

    I've heard "calling-out" and to me they both make sense. Yes you are "calling-in" to work but you are calling to "call-out" of work. Get it? You're calling to say you're going to be OUT of work for that day, hence callin-out of work.
  21. NCLEX passage rate--why not include 2nd try passers?

    I agree to me personally a 2nd time passer indicates that they student needed more time to educate themselves and that the school must not have done a great job, I think a 2nd time passer looks good for the nurse but you know that person has since gr...
  22. What would you spend more money on?

    I think I would go with the shoes. My stetho will be a Littman one but not one of the high priced heavy duty one. However I already plan to spend at least 40-60 bucks on my nursing shoes because I have a high instep, a few issues due to a sprained an...
  23. Nursing school orientation -- Fall 2010

    My orientation isn't till Sept 1st but its at noon so I don't think it'll be longer than 3 or 4 hours. We did our own schedules and everyone has different classes at different times, not to mention some of the students are part time and not full time...
  24. is there a problem with men going into nursing.

    I honestly think it's sad that it happens and it's a stereotype. My male friends in the nursing program have had no problems so far but a few did run into problems with husbands in the OB clinical which I think is wrong. You can allow a male doctor t...
  25. why do people do this?

    At least your non-nursing friends realize it's hard! Mine say "why do you want to wipe butts" or "ohh going to the hospital sounds like so much fun!" or "nurses can specialize, doesn't the doc just tell them what to do?" friends come from a v...