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  1. Crna job market

    Every market is getting saturated. A lot of people have gone back to school during these harder economic times and business have started to cut jobs or look at how many of each employee they need to keep a stricter budget. This goes for nursing, busi...
  2. It just depends on how you look at it. I was asked in my interview. I told them I had only applied to that school. Of course, they asked why and I told them it wasn't about bettering my odds of admission, but setting a goal, reaching for it and atten...

    A's in two or three classes like grad Pharm, even ochem if you don't have it. Level 1 trauma ICU with lots of swans, devices, titrating, vents and transplants. CCRN, CSC, CMC, TNCC certs Excellent academic and professional references Shadow as much a...
  4. Man = muscle, being taken advantage of

    We have the opposite problem, actually. Night shift is male dominated. On any given night there are equal to, or more males in our Cardiac ICU. We get everyone up to the chair. Dead weight or not. Then the day shift gets there who might have one guy ...
  5. I accepted to one and had two more interviews. I really wanted the one I accepted and no intention of going to the other schools. Called them up and explained that I didn't want to waste their time and appreciate the opportunity. They were very nice ...
  6. TCU CRNA starting January 2014

    Accepted as well!
  7. Bloomsburg, PA CRNA program 2014

    Me too! Thanks!
  8. Bloomsburg, PA CRNA program 2014

    Ah, ok. I still hadn't heard anything either way. Do you know anything about why the program director is different now then when we interviewed?
  9. Bloomsburg, PA CRNA program 2014

    How did they let you know? Letter, phone, email?
  10. Am I a Strong Applicant?

    What makes you think you are a weak applicant? Looks like you only listed strengths. I'm sure you've read other threads with the same topic so how do you think you compare? Those that you interview with will be from all different backgrounds. Some t...
  11. Time Off to Vote

    Is this possible for nurses? Let your unit know, based on your states law timeline for letting your job know, that you will be taking 2 hours off before your shift begins to vote? For example, if your state says you need to let you job know at least ...
  12. Time Off to Vote

    I'd rather use my 2 hours up
  13. Mandatory flu vaccines for staff

    That time of year again.... Got mine this morning. I hate the idea. A lot of people I work with are totally against it. I can't afford to be fired. Makes me wish I was part of a union.
  14. Non Degree Seeking Graduate Student

    How are some of you guys going about taking graduate level classes such as patho, pharm, health assess, etc.? I just got into a University of Texas campus and the only available graduate nursing class is statistics - no other classes are available to...
  15. Non Degree Seeking Graduate Student

    Yes. I've talked to the Assistant Dean and Dean of the graduate nursing programs. No help. I've also contacted teachers to different courses individually and they say I can join as long as I get permission from the program director- who will only all...
  16. Tell Me About Yourself...

    Your question is just very broad and there is no good or easy answer. Generally, it's advisable you don't work at all during the program. This already answers your other question - you don't work because it's already very demanding. Depending on how ...
  17. Tell Me About Yourself...

    Easily searchable. Not only found here, but your questions are also on Google - readily available. It's funny how some are interested in this, yet they don't even take the time to research these things on their own. How hard will they research anesth...
  18. Weirdest, funniest, grossest male teenager pt. Stories

    *Chris Hansen voice* Why don't you have a seat over there, please.
  19. Average Salary for ADN vs BSN

    Top 10 research and teaching, non-profit hospital that is physician run (never will be magnet) and do not differentiate between ADN/BSN as far as pay or advancement - but on who does the best job.
  20. Nursing Shortage: New Grad or Experienced

    There is definitely a shortage of nurses, but the hospitals can't afford to hire them all.
  21. Not Grading Fairly?

    This really has nothing to do with thinking males in class are graded differently - just throwing that out there. The problem I'm having is that it seems if your final paper was graded by one teacher you got anywhere from 5-10 points lower than if yo...
  22. Not Grading Fairly?

    Meeting tomorrow. I will let you know what happens!
  23. Not Grading Fairly?

    Excellent advice! I will definitely use this plan - especially the ways listed to ask "why". I have made an appointment with her - the issue I already see if that her 'earliest' is within one week of graduation. This was our final, final paper... I h...
  24. What am I doing wrong?

    I applied to 18 hospitals. Heard from two - one being where I teched for 1.5 years and it wasn't even in the area I was interested in. Just keep trying, keep applying and prepare for your interviews. Dress nice, talk to others applying, know how to a...
  25. Percent of Men in Graduating Class?

    East Texas - started with around 105 people, 10 males. Graduation is in May and ending with around 70 people and 6 males. I have noticed that the classes under me have considerably more males in them. I would guess they have closer to 20 guys.