Staragate ADN, ASN, RN


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All Content by Staragate

  1. Staragate

    Thickened Liquids With Dysphagia (Part I)

    As long as it's mixed right. Thickener gets thicker over 5 minutes. What may be perfect at the time of mixing, may be a solid paste by the time they start drinking it.
  2. Staragate

    Funny things our patients say

    Upon transferring a LOL who didn't think I was strong enough: "You handle me like a midget!"
  3. I learned to juggle. (Literally, I can now keep 3 bean bags in the air.) Time management and organization is a biggie. The hardest part of NS isn't the material, it's life around it. Keeping the cars running, relationships going, the bills paid is t...
  4. Try to find out if your credits are transferable if you go for a BSN. I go to Pima CC and I love it. There was a waiting list, but not as long as rumored. (1 1/2 years) I am happy with the program and the cost is a fraction of a private college.
  5. Staragate

    What will you do with your RN license?

    I love the brain. I'm interested in neurology, pediatrics, cardiology. I am thinking about getting into autism education. The GI lab looks like a good place to be. Geez! There are so many options!
  6. Staragate

    A nurse's favorite song?

    I don't really have a favorite song, but I think Transfusion kind of fits. It's a 60s song. Transfusion, transfusion. I'm just a mess of contusions. I'm never never never going to speed again. Slip the blood to me, bud. Shoot the juice to me, Bruce....
  7. Pay off the cards, house and student loans. After that: ROAD TRIP! I want to hit as many states as I can, then rent a cabin in Yellowstone. For my actual first paycheck? A new dress and a really nice dinner with the family.
  8. Staragate

    NCLEX Board Game - I want this!

    RNtertainment I was cruising Amazon, when I saw this. HAHAHAHA! I know what I want to ask for Christmas. It would make study groups that much more fun. :clown:
  9. Staragate

    It's 2012, and I Was Hired 1 Hour after Graduation!

    Good job and congratulations. The job advice doesn't hurt, either!
  10. Staragate

    What jobs did you do before nursing?

    Special ed aide.... lots of hands on experience there! I loved those kids. First job was lumber company secretary/cashier. Not a bad one, but got hit on by a lot of men. Taught me how to deflect without insulting.
  11. Staragate

    One year experience, is it law?

    From what was explained to me.... medicaid will only reimburse for caregiver services by someone with at least 1 year experience.
  12. Staragate

    How messed up is this?

    We have a convention in Tucson that is held at a very popular resort. 50 nurses citywide get honored... and not just from the big hospitals. It involves a 2 day celebration... a conference day with breakout sessions and a fancy lunch/dinner and a gal...
  13. Staragate

    Something for all you school nurses...

    Inhalers can save the life of the child so when she needs it, she needs it THEN! That said, the nurse should have followed policy and had a med letter signed by the mother. At my son's school, he needs a special form signed each year to carry it. No ...
  14. Staragate

    Pts paying for night nursery care??

    What are you doing now with the bili-babies? post-circumcision observation? Hypothermia babies? Is all that stuff really in all the patients rooms? What happens when a baby is up for adoption? I don't understand how a L&D/couplet floor can NOT ...
  15. Staragate

    From Birth to Death

    These last few weeks in clinicals, I've been taking care of brand-new moms and babies. Brand new beginnings and patients who are full of life. It was wonderful. I loved the excitement of a new family. I got to have more practice using my nursing skil...
  16. Staragate

    From Birth to Death

    I showed this story to my mom and she told me that she got chills reading it. I must say that I was very unsettled by this, just because it was my first time. Her passing was expected and she was checked on within an hour of being discovered. I am a...
  17. Create a brain sheet. -Make a column for each patient, with some vital info - dx, orders, info -Then write down times from the beginning of your shift to the end. -At the hour of each task, make a note - med, turn, vitals, whatever. -Check it off as ...
  18. Staragate

    Graduating Class of 2012 - Shout Out Here!!

    December, baby! :yelclap:
  19. Staragate

    Inaccurate respiratory rates

    I usually count them when the bp pump is going or hold a wrist, peeking at my watch.... but really counting chest expansions. People generally stop talking when I do those things.
  20. Staragate

    My warm and fuzzy for the night

    What a great story! Thank you for sharing.
  21. Staragate

    Cleaning my Littmann

    Did any of the methods work?
  22. Staragate

    Things we think that we do not say... humorous...

    You are 100 years old. I hope I'm just like you when I'm your age. You have energy AND attitude. You love your coffee and always ask for it. I can relate. I can see you going for another 10 or 20 years at this rate. I'll see what I can do about a cof...
  23. New house, new car, new clothes and a trip to Yellowstone!
  24. I would go as far as say this should apply to all students. Sometimes there are terms in the tests that aren't mentioned in notes or the textbook. Keep an eye out for shop-talk.
  25. Staragate

    Gift ideas for a preceptor? (school nurse)

    The bandage idea is great! Also a personalized pen with her name engraved would be nice. Hopefully it won't 'walk' away like regular pens do.