
helicoptergal BSN, RN


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About helicoptergal

helicoptergal is a BSN, RN and specializes in NICU, ER.

Nicu RN. Missing being a Flight Paramedic. Love my awesome family and friends.

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  1. My Excelsior College "shortcut" to nursing school, lead me to work as a Transport NICU RN in a regional level 3 NICU at a Magnet Childrens Hospital in
  2. It really upsets me when people who obviously do not know anything about EC blast it. My adventure in getting my degree from EC was the hardest and one of the most rewarding tasks I accomplished. I...
  3. Hilarious maternity nursing sayings/pics

    Oh my GOD I love this!!! And god bless you post partum
  4. Medication 20% Rule.

    The point is that is our policy, and what our hospital deems as safe administration of narcotics and sedation. Yes time consuming, however it gets fast with addition into your daily
  5. Medication 20% Rule.

    Hi we use the 20% rule in the NICU. We only use it on administration of any narcotic or sedation medication. We draw up 20% of the total amount of the medication and do our medication drug...
  6. NG/OG collection device

    We use the delee suction traps when on low continuous or continuous sxn, and a syringe with a 2x2 or some other dressing to entrap the contents at the top of the
  7. Nursing wife..cop husband..does it work?

    Nursing wife Paramedic husband 2 kids somewhat stressfull, but wouldn't change
  8. Lisa Arends study guides

    I bought Lisa's study guides. I found them informative and helpful. But I also used a lot of other methods to prepare for the EC exam's. I think it is really important to evaluate your experience...
  9. Changing out isolettes

    Every 2 weeks. We have a form that is in our charting that we fill out everyday as part of safety checks where that info is placed.
  10. Community College? You must be stupid.

    Nursing has gotten to lost in the BSN vs. ASN debate. A quality nurse, with good assessment and critical thinking skills, is a team player, and provides compassionate patient care is priceless. I am...
  11. Anyone using PALS inthe NICU?

    We do not use PALS in our unit, and the concepts between NRP and PALS are similar. I remain certified in PALS and
  12. I took a report call once from EMS that made me just turn around, hang up, and have to go sit down. This old lady called 911 once on a busy Friday night because her cat peed on her leg. She just...
  13. Indomethacin as IVH Prophylaxis???

    We also use Indocin as a IVH prophylaxis. In my own experience the 2 patients I have been involved with receiving it both had isolated ileal perforation, both had a pen rose drain inserted and...
  14. VFib Arrest after heaven discussion

    S.pecial H.igh I.ntensity T.raining LOVE IT. A NEW
  15. methadone effects on newborns

    Thank god for you and fellow PHN like you. I often worry about these babies. Nice to know someone is fighting for