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About GodivaGirl

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  1. chances of getting into a bsn program

    I can give you information about University of West Florida. I am trying to get accepted there as well. Their program is VERY difficult to get in to. They told me a few months ago that while 2.75 is the minimum score to apply, they have not taken ...
  2. How does nutrition compare . . . .

    WOW! A big thanks for all who responded!! It sounds like the general consensus is it's not too bad. It's one that I am not really looking forward to as I don't have much interest, but it will be good to get that one out of the way. Thanks again!...
  3. How does nutrition compare . . . .

    I am trying to plan my spring semester and I am wondering how nutrition compares to other pre-reqs. On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being the most difficult) how would you rate nutrition in difficulty and time needed to get an A? Thanks for your opinion! G...
  4. Animation of smooth muscle contraction???

    Ok, I kinda found what I need here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX9pOmi0Cok but there is no audio with. Anyone know where to find this with audio? Or any other animations?
  5. Animation of smooth muscle contraction???

    Thank you but I need to go a bit deeper than that. I need the animation of the process. Ca activates calmodulin, calmodulin activates myosin light chain kinase, myosin light chain kinase splits ATP which causes myosin to attach to actin, etc. I ca...
  6. I have a test tomorrow and I don't completely understand smooth muscle contraction. I really need an animation. Does anyone know of a good website where I can find an animation of smooth muscle contraction? I understand skeletal muscle contractio...
  7. Love my new job

    Calibean, May I ask what you are doing? I am still in school and often worry about finding a job after I graduate with hours I can work as I also have a military-often-deployed husband and 2 kids. GodivaGirl
  8. anybody take anatomy and physiology 2 online?

    :yeah:I'm so glad it worked for you! GodivaGirl
  9. anybody take anatomy and physiology 2 online?

    Mmmmmmm, I didn't have to have an instructor code. All I needed was the access code that came with my book. I logged in no problem before my class even started and did so with only my access code. I just tried it again so I could give you specific...
  10. anybody take anatomy and physiology 2 online?

    I am using the Marieb book and the website as well. Did you buy your book new? If so, you should have had an access code with it. If you bought your book used, you can pay for access to the website. It's $35.00 for the seventh edition if you don'...
  11. NLN Advice

    Soooooooo . . . . . . . how did you do?
  12. I am on this board because I am currently in nursing school, but I am actually asking this question for my husband. He is an active duty helicopter instructor in the Navy and will be retiring in a few years. One of the post retirement jobs he is lo...
  13. NLN Advice

    I thought of a couple more things after my post last night. On MY test (they are probably different) there were 3 questions in the science portion on the Kelvin scale. One was a conversion to celsius, one was a conversion to Fahrenheit and the othe...
  14. NLN Advice

    I took the NLN two weeks ago so I'll add my $.02. I studied the math and science QUESTIONS (not the review material) from the study guide, but didn't even look at vocab. Now, I haven't had an algebra class in 15 years (and I didn't do WELL 15 years...
  15. A&P class problems - need opinion

    Thanks so much for your responses. I typically studied well enough for the last few tests that I could have taken them essay style, BUT spelling counts on these upcoming ones! GULP!! Spelling is not my strong point. I'm feeling a bit better and yo...