

Case Mgmt, Home Health, Geriatrics

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All Content by MrsCrypes

  1. What would you do? ADN or BSN

    I graduated from Borough of Manhattan Community College in NYC- it's part of the CUNY system.
  2. Every now and then, I attend nursing conferences, nursing fairs and have always noticed that there is this constant competition between nurses. I attended a PRI certification course and some nurses were so great to speak with and I actually got to n...
  3. ADN nurses with other BS degree

    I also went the same route as you: I attended a fantastic community college for my AAS (it was soo competitive to get in b/c you practically paid nothing for it) and I already had a previous BS in Advertising and Marketing Communications. I found tha...
  4. Why so much competition between nurses?

    oh c'mon tencat, can't blame a person for accomplished work behind their name, but the horn- tooting I can agree with. I have also known the nurses with a good amount of achievements behind their names and are not snobby about it at all. :)
  5. Apical Pulse Rate

    Wow, sounds cool, but i have never heard or seen of the hand method either. would that work in an obese patient?
  6. Apical Pulse Rate

    with my stethoscope......
  7. Apical Pulse Rate

    anyone please correct me if I am wrong, to find the MPI - that's where you need to know where to find it (which is the 5th ICS at left Midclavicular line).... Otherwise i've known (and am guilty) of it myself, to listen to the heart (approx at 5th IC...
  8. Counting respirations

    why nurses skip it, beyond's total laziness on their part. I just automatically count for 30 seconds as i check their pulse. the trick is the place their hand on their chest as you count their pulse - but use the hand with the watch on it. th...
  9. Why so much competition between nurses?

    Better social skills....hmmm, resume reciting is just a huge turn off. When nurses do that to me, I usually tune off everything else that comes after that and move on to speaking to someone who doesn't have to show off - respectfully of course. Somet...
  10. New Graduate LPN needs help finding job in New Jersey

    I totally agree with you, it's like a vicious cycle: no one will hire me b/c i don't have experience, but how can I get experience if no one will hire me.... I agree with another nurse who stated advance, they have a great web site and also the nursi...
  11. Personally, you are doing roughly the ball park amount of time of completing the LVN degree that you could be doing for the RN degree. Depending on the state, you make more (with more responsibility) as an RN. I went to a 2 yr community college and ...
  12. Question re: med tests at interview

    For a home care position, I have a 10 question meds test in which I got 9/10 right. It was very simple I thought and what I got wrong had to do with the food you are NOT to administer to someone on Coumadin therapy.... for some reason I always screw ...
  13. Why so much competition between nurses?

    Totally agree, but really, I have to hear someone recite their resume while at a certification course. Job fairs - it's fair game, but not during class / certification time.
  14. Beautiful photos

    Very erie and so powerful. I saw how the photos were hung on the wall with cloth tape, truly nursing move :-) Loved it!
  15. Why so much competition between nurses?

    Very well said, and I couldn't agree with you more. I'm guessing you've seen this too, lol
  16. Why so much competition between nurses?

    hahahah you're great! I will say this, I look younger than what I am and have dual degrees in a non-nursing area, and am not hard on the eyes
  17. Is it possible to work in NY area with an ADN?

    Absolutely possible for you to find a job with ADN, but put in your resume and stress that you are working on your BSN. I graduated with an ADN, am finishing up my BSN, but that was a huge factor on some job interviews. Some places will always want B...
  18. Burned out already?

    I understand completely. In the next state that you're in, see if they have an ER fellowship / internship. I know a nurse friend of mine that did that and she absolutely loved it. She also received all these very helpful certifications that were part...
  19. notice of trial - witness

    I will say this, make sure you can view your charting, not only is the DA going to question you but the OTHER lawyer as well. I think you should be fine, but definitely look at your charting and maybe even get a know how of your state's legalities re...
  20. stupid documentation!

    WHOA! Hello! Documentation is soooo freaking important and at times, can make you or break you. Oh Gosh! In nursing school, didn't we learn our lesson and scared straight about how documentation, BAD documentation can have your license (which we al...
  21. Wow the doors are all closing, when will one open?

    Destiny12, I will start off with a Congratulations on leaving that very stressful job, as we know: stress and heart disease are number 1 killers in female (I'm guessing that you are female). Now with regards to having these doors closed to you, how l...
  22. is a 3.5 gpa good for bsn program in WA state?

    sounds excellent to me, but how competitive is it and what was the lowest GPA accepted last semester?
  23. other job...

    I love making jewelry and really am good at it, so I do shows and sell my jewelry at fairs and am currently working on website and etsy store to sell. It's a bsuy second job but so fun and a little dream I've always had.
  24. After reading your original post and the responses, I have to say that I agree with all above posts, but ask yourself, "why such a short orientation? And is there a high turnover rate becuase of this? You may want to reconsider this job or learn as m...
  25. Burned out already?

    Have you thought about non-bedside nursing positions such as case management, utilization review, specialties of that nature? Maybe moving to another hospital and trying out ER would be something to try. Maybe it's the long hours? Could that be burni...