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All Content by exnavygirl-RN

  1. exnavygirl-RN

    Western Governors University MSN

    I'm so glad I found this thread. I just applied to WGU's MSN program in Leadership and Management. I'm a little nervous but excited.
  2. exnavygirl-RN


    I just applied and will be getting my transcripts in this week. I'm a little nervous.
  3. I wasn't good at writing papers when I started. I am now! You'll do fine. The first course prepares you for paper writing. Good luck. You can do it!
  4. I hate that. I work with two fairly new nurses who were told by a clinical instructor that they would be lousy RN's. They are AWESOME nurses!! :heartbeat
  5. exnavygirl-RN

    I'm grateful for you crusty old bats

    Once reality sets in they become sour and hot headed. They have to get past the "I'm going to be a super nurse and everyone's gonna love me" phase. That's when they're gushing with sweetness. Slurp. cough cough
  6. exnavygirl-RN

    How to explain depression/PTSD to young children

    As a VA nurse and wife of a husband with PTSD (military related), I would suggest keeping it very simple. I tell my son (7 y.o.) that "Daddy feels very sad sometimes because....". As he gets older we explain a little more. All the advice given here...
  7. exnavygirl-RN

    I'm grateful for you crusty old bats

    Moderation is the key. I tend to get a blood sugar spike when I eat too many.
  8. exnavygirl-RN

    Anyone worked on a reservation before?

    Ya'at'eeh, I worked at Fort Defiance and have friends that work at Chinle. Fort Defiance has housing for travellers ( at least they use to). I loved it. I will go back one day. Chinle has housing. It is a culture shock and I'm glad I did a lot of ...
  9. exnavygirl-RN

    I'm new here, but this forum needs a Staff Lounge...

    I learn something new every day. I never realized that was there. Never thought to click on "Central". Can't wait to venture over.
  10. exnavygirl-RN

    HELP please!!!!

    Don't allow one semester of nursing be the deciding factor. Like you I didn't believe I had good conversational skills or thought well on my feet in stressful events. I use to be shy, anxious and unsure of myself. I have been a nurse for 8 years and ...
  11. exnavygirl-RN

    my nclex story :)

  12. One more.... Dear coworker, When a total care resident is choking during feeding, that is a sure sign for you to stop trying to shove more food in his mouth. K? I know you have poor eye sight (which is why you're on light duty) but I know you can he...
  13. Had a nurse float to our unit that I had never met. Within minutes of our introduction she was telling me that she was considering having her nipples tattoed. Ohhhhh k? Thanks for the visual. I spend time re-directing patients but having to re-dire...
  14. exnavygirl-RN

    Dead bodies?

    I have A LOT of experience preparing bodies for the morgue. As mentioned by others, I talk to the resident while I'm cleaning them. It does help. I work long term care and Hospice for the VA. Many of our residents have been here several years. When...
  15. exnavygirl-RN

    Dead bodies?

  16. exnavygirl-RN

    If I Said on Here What I Wanted to Say.

    This has been one of my favorite threads this week.
  17. exnavygirl-RN

    Terms we will not admit to using

    Clean up on aisle 29. (Refers to pt in room 29 has poop all over the place and is finger painting).
  18. exnavygirl-RN


    I have a co-worker I have to redirect sometimes.
  19. exnavygirl-RN


    Well stated BluegrassRN. I politely redirect the conversation to another topic. I've never had any issues.
  20. exnavygirl-RN

    Working for the Indian Health Service

    I worked for IHS last year and loved it! They have the Student Loan Repayment program. http://www.ihs.gov/JobsCareerDevelop/DHPS/lrp/ Go to IHS.gov and you can search facilities. Locations: http://www.ihs.gov/index.cfm?module=AreaOffices I worked on...
  21. exnavygirl-RN

    Just Thinking About Leaving Nursing...

    I work for the V.A. Every place has their issues. The V.A. is no different. I have a love/hate relationship with my work place. ha ha ha I have also worked for Indian Health Service. Loved it:redpinkhe
  22. exnavygirl-RN

    If I see one more post titled....

    Thanks for starting this thread Pink! It has made my week.
  23. exnavygirl-RN

    Alzheimer's: The Art Of Giving Up

    :hug: My heart goes out to all of you. :-(
  24. exnavygirl-RN

    The happy policy

    I'll make sure I skip merrily from room to room singing the joys of exploding diarrhea and residents pee'ing on the floor. Yay me! I go to work in a nice mood. I'm no where close to being giddy or perky. Phony perkiness just creeps me out.
  25. exnavygirl-RN

    This made my night last night...

    I have a resident like that, too. Love them.