

home & public health, med-surg, hospice

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About Kelly_the_Great

Kelly_the_Great specializes in home & public health, med-surg, hospice.

Latest Activity

  1. ChatGPT

    I think educators should embrace the use of ChatGPT and similar resources so that you can ensure that your learners are technologically
  2. Heparin Flush

    Hello, I thought they discontinued the routine use of heparin with peripheral IV flushes a loooonnnggg time ago but have ran across something given to me by a colleague (PowerPoint)...
  3. Students Cheating

    Guys this is something (unmotivated students, disruptive/pensive attitudes, cheating/just wanting the "answers" instead of valuing broad-based understanding, etc.) that I have REALLY struggled with in...
  4. Students Cheating

    Actually, you're right! It's not cheating if you were
  5. The *EXPERT* Beginner

    I should apologize for making generalizations. Mainly, I was just venting. I haven't posted in the forums in years and didn't realize it'd become a place whereby making observations/venting...
  6. The *EXPERT* Beginner

    Is anybody else sick to death of new nurses acting like they are somehow experts all the sudden because they passed a state board exam? When I passed mine both times (LVN & RN), I felt like I...
  7. I stopped reading after page 3, please forgive me if I repeat what others have previously posted. Great topic & great idea about using the report method to engage. I think having an...
  8. Question about DKA

    Check it out the attached documents; am happy to share. Easy to understand format. Diabetic ketoacidosi_teaching.doc dka pretest.doc DKA
  9. I *do* recognize the need for nursing theory

    Your post reminds me of that bar scene in Good Will Hunting when the college student is spouting off his beliefs on the evolution of market economies in the southern I mean we could...
  10. Anyone teach High School CNA/Health Careers classes?

    Hey, Cowgirl, sorry it's taken so long to get back with you, just got off an 8-day stretch @ work (pant, pant). Okay, here's a site that the administrator provided to me that's got a lot of good info:...
  11. Anyone teach High School CNA/Health Careers classes?

    Hey CowgirlBSN, My local school district is considering offering a healthcare technology program & I'll be speaking with them about it next week. I'm sooooo excited! Not only for myself but also...
  12. Anyone teach High School CNA/Health Careers classes?

    sorry, duplicate
  13. to get ready for this requirement? Have you formed study groups? When are you meeting? Is your facility offering paid prepratory programs? Inservices? What resources are you
  14. New Conditions of Coverage

    ((HUGS)) Lacie, sounds like you're in an impossible situation! Is there anyway you can get into
  15. New Conditions of Coverage

    No doubt, traumaRUs! It's kind of frustrating that in this day of paradigm shifts towards patient empowerment, there is absolutely no patient accountability within the realm of the ESRD network, in...