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All Content by Kay_lpn2rn

  1. I did the LPN-RN online program. I didn't have a good experience. I was in Scenario 1, as you mentioned. I'll send you a PM. I know you'll make a wise decision.
  2. LPN to RN transitions students FTCC

    Mobility test? What is that? I was in the LPN-RN program at FTCC. Finished the transition class, NUR 189 in Fall 08. I was in the NUR 210 class, but had to drop unfortunately. My classmates and I had to take and pass the TEAS test to get in the progr...
  3. The results are in...

    Congratulations!!! I know the RN behind your name feels good. You deserve it!
  4. cpne jitters?

    I can totally relate to all your worries about the CPNE. I have took the first test and passed it. Got the OK from EC to enroll. But, I'm really worried whether I can pass the CPNE. I know a lot of people passed it this monster.. but it still scares...
  5. StudyGroup101 Materials

    Studyguide101 helped me a lot in passing EC Health Safety test. I'm preparing for Chronicity. Just got an email yesterday from EC, I can go ahead and enroll. Make sure you buy the practice test, it's worth your money!
  6. How useful are the recommended text books?

    I got the recommended textbooks from half.com. They're very cheap when you buy the previous ed. The FON book, for example...I got it for 75 cents, brand new with CD. If you buy the latest ed, it would still cost you a lot.
  7. I passed Chronicity, but I thought I did better?

    rnwannabe12, yes... i'm planning to take the ec practice tests..all of them, lol. after spending $235 on each tests, what's another $65, right? :sniff: i know it's wrong...but i'm already stressed, anxious to the max, and really, really scared about ...
  8. I passed Chronicity, but I thought I did better?

    :yeah::yeah:Congratulations! I'd take a C anytime. I'm currently studying for Chronicity while waiting to hear approval from EC. I'm planning to take the tests in order as well.
  9. Congratulations on all your job offers. I'm sure you'll make a very smart decision. I'm sure you'll be a great asset wherever you go!
  10. How useful are the recommended text books?

    I have only taken Health Safety test so far... When I took it, I didn't even read the EC textbooks. I got a B on the test. However, I started buying the previous edition of the textbooks at half.com so I can be really prepared for Chronicity and Repr...
  11. Plano update...I am done with this CPNE thing....

    Congratulations, txspadequeen921 :yeah::yeah:
  12. Well the results are in..........

    Congratulations !!!! :yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah:
  13. How many Pre-reqs for Excelsior

    Hey Luna ( or anybody who's done the CPNE), First... thank you guys for being very patient with our questions. But since you're all talking about CPNE (I'm still waiting for EC to approve my application), I thought I'd ask another question. Do you h...
  14. YES! YES! YES! I made a B:yeah:. I was so scared when I submitted my answers. The computer kept asking "are you sure?". I was thinking, "YES! I am sure! Now let me know whether I passed or not". I was scared to look at it. I was thinking there goes $...
  15. Passed HC Essentials Safety test!!!

    cwallp...I replied...it's somewhere down this thread, lol. Sorry, I'm so new to this. But, I'm enjoying posting here. The "veterans" as I like to call them... are very, very helpful and encouraging.
  16. Passed HC Essentials Safety test!!!

    cwallp, I think I studied for about 3 wks. I used studygroup 101. It's very, very helpful and will save you a lot of time reading the textbooks. But of course, it wouldn't hurt to buy the previous ed. of textbooks they recommend. I just didnt....beca...
  17. Third time a charm

    Go for it. You can do this. I know exactly what you're going through. I had to drop from my LPN-RN program at my school. Anxiety and stress got the best of me. Unfortunately, I didn't realize I have bad anxiety until this semester. I wish I'd known e...
  18. I'm taking my 1st EC Health Essentials Safety test on Monday, Feb. 23rd. I'm nervous but I really just want to get it over with. I have reviewed using study guides 101 and my ADN textbooks from local CC. Plus I've purchased the EC practice exams and ...
  19. EC info from North Carolina BON

    beeenieweeenie, Let me know how you doing with EC as you pursue your goal. I'm planning to put in my application too after my 1st test on Monday. I admit I'm in a panic mode after reading the original post.
  20. EC info from North Carolina BON

    suesquatchrn .... are you asking me or the girl who originally posted this message? i am in a panic mode right now.... because i'm taking the 1st test on monday. and i'm planning to put in my application to ec, hopefully...when i pass the test on mon...
  21. How can I make myself look more attractive?

    did you see the thread "ec info from north carolina bon" by bnc1143 dated februady 20, 2009?
  22. EC info from North Carolina BON

    bnc1143 , i'm from the triad area. i was in the lpn-adn program at forsyth tech this semester but had to drop. i'm telling you, this route is not easy, especially if you work fulltime, married, and have kids. it's very stressful. i have ch...