
blondy2061h MSN, RN



All Content by blondy2061h

  1. Did you contract anything from a patient?

    I got norovirus in clinicals in college. I ended up in the hospital for several days (type 1 diabetes). My professor told me no way I got it at clinicals even though two of my patients two days before I got sick had it. However, she didn't apply the ...
  2. Forced Resignation

    I'm so confused by all of this, but probably just because my hospital works vastly different. So you do your vacation bidding for the upcoming year in October? And you requested the 3 weeks of you needed during the vacation bidding time frame? Wer...
  3. I'm surprised people in Michigan are Patriots fans.
  4. Bored on weekdays!

    Man, this is a hard scenario for me to imagine. I value my alone time and wish I had more of it. I would think you could volunteer at your kids school, meet up with your husband or friends on their lunch hours, volunteer at a library or something, j...
  5. Can Pain Be Prevented?

    It makes sense. When I have a migraine or muscle aches one of the first things I try is chugging water.
  6. OCNRN63

    I'm so sorry to read this! I loved reading her posts and contributions to AN. Keeping her and her family in my thoughts and prayers.
  7. Company removed all chairs

    We're off topic now. But we're very unoriginal and call them "computers."
  8. Why are you working as a CNA? You should be going to medical school. Or nursing school. You clearly have higher aspirations than what you're doing.
  9. You should probably learn to do crics then, too, as long as we're not ruling out possibilities.
  10. When you're doing cpr you need to allow full recoil. This means pushing the sternum in and waiting for it to return to its original position. This allows the heart to refill with blood that you can push out in your next compression. When you preform ...
  11. Ambulating post op day zero

    We have one urology surgeon who comes and walks his patients himself!
  12. Ambulating post op day zero

    Our thoracic surgeons are huge advocates of early ambulation. Those patients get woken up in the middle of the night to ambulate the night of their surgery. Seems cruel but low complication rates and the patients are informed ahead of time.
  13. Portacaths access

    Our patients sometimes get them placed the morning they start chemo
  14. Company removed all chairs

    Chart standing up. Don't sit for 8+ hours straight. Get plantar fasciitis. Go out on comp. Milk it for all it's worth. Quit as soon as you're cleared to come back.
  15. Getting yelled at by a doctor for the first time....

    Interesting. In NYS paper scripts aren't used any more.
  16. Getting yelled at by a doctor for the first time....

    Where do you live that providers can't write scripts from home? 1985?
  17. Fox News calls CNA a nurse

    I'm guessing her family or friends called her a nurse and no one in the "news" outlets verified it. I would strongly recommend against reading the comments.
  18. Are you discerning with your "likes"?

    I tend to like posts that are well written or share similar opinions to mine. I would say I'm fairly discerning with my "likes." I do find myself "liking" the same users frequently. I wish more message boards I go to had this feature.
  19. Do you buy medical equipment for home use?

    You don't need a pump for that
  20. Do you buy medical equipment for home use?

    I have all kinds of medical equipment at home- bipap machine, O2 concentrator, insulin pump, glucometer, nebulizers, continuous glucose monitor, tens unit. Of course- this is all stuff prescribed for me and paid for by my insurance and not because it...
  21. Student Nurse Needle Stick Scare

    Low transmission rates and you're already on PEP. You have nothing to worry about.
  22. Nurse looked at my Facebook-HIPAA violation ?

    I don't really think a formal complaint is justified. Fb very much lets you control privacy settings and clearly this person left theirs to public. That means it's open on the internet to see. It's not really surprising that someone looked at it.
  23. Why are they called, "Chucks?"

    We have a blue version of them. Those are for real light duty. I would never trust them under a patient. I use the blue ones for keeping an area dry if I'm irrigating a wound or pushing meds in a PEG or some kind of barrier like that. Now the green ...
  24. Nurse looked at my Facebook-HIPAA violation ?

    No. Unprofessional but not HIPAA. A HIPAA violation would be if a nurse disclosed something they knew about your medical history to some body who didn't need to know it to provide medical care to you. Facebook is what you posted publically about your...
  25. Would nurses be interested in this business idea?

    I would have to be making $100 to make it with leaving my house on a day off