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All Content by starryi79

  1. I LOVE that response flygirl!!!! More of us need that attitude.
  2. TB Skin Test Question

    What sized needle was she using for HEAVENS sake! That is awful but as a nurse I vow to never use the word sue- as I am a very competent nurse and compassionate. However, I know that someday someone can view something very bening as a law suite and t...
  3. Giving Lantus insulin when patient is NPO

    Thank you soo much for starting this thread! I go with my gut in most cases but understood the Lantus to be like a natural body response and should be given all the time. If the patient is very low a call to the doc- that is what he makes the BIG bu...
  4. what is meant by experience?

    I agree with you. Hospital only nurses generally think of the home care nurses as not qualified or enough exp. Home care opens many opportunities to gain exp in ways you never will in a hospital and generally get the opportunity to work on many skill...