
NurseLoveJoy88 ASN, RN


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About NurseLoveJoy88

NurseLoveJoy88 has 6 years experience as a ASN, RN and specializes in LTC.

young, God loving, nursing student

Latest Activity

  1. Written up for false documentation...

    Thank you for all your support, encouragement and opinions. I guess I'll go somewhere so that I can be stoned to death. I'm such a terrible nurse! Who is willing to throw the first
  2. Finally got a job!

  3. The interview went lovely. They were very impressed with my experience and my overall personality. The pros: working in womens health with possibility to cross train. Cons- part-time only, possibly...
  4. Oh crap...I can't believe I forgot...

    It happens. You recognized your mistake, I'm sure someone noticed and hopefully got clarification to start it. Aw, the joys of
  5. Aw, thanks ! I'm
  6. Written up for false documentation...

    Once again, I take full responsibility and do not make excuses. I don't think they are out to get me at all. I'm moving on and that is all that matters. I'm at peace with my
  7. Written up for false documentation...

    I'm not on orientation. In LTC you get 2 days of floor orientation if that. I'm still in my probation period Getting fired right now would only be a
  8. Written up for false documentation...

    When did I ever blame the facility for my mistake? I have stated several times that I take full responsibility and do not make excuses. The DON praised me for my honesty. Ironic, I
  9. Written up for false documentation...

    Yesterday I put in my two week notice to go PRN. I have had it with this place. I get written up for false documentation, however they are calling nurses in to come in to falsify records because the...
  10. job hopper? advice?

    I'm a job hopper as well. I'm ashamed to admit it. My first 2 years as a nurse was stable I had two jobs in two years which I stayed at both a year each. Then I started nursing school again and that...
  11. Take it. I'm in LTC and miserable. I'm not quitting but I am reducing my hours by going from full time to PRN. I don't have another full time job lined up right now so I'm relying on faith that I will...
  12. All of those answers were absurd except the one about the cruise. I love to go on cruise and I often book them months in advance, so if a cruise is coming up then I do mention it on the interview......
  13. 4 people with UTI

    Nothing is wrong with you. UTI is common in the elderly. I've heard many docs say that probably over half the residents in a LTC will come back positive for a uti because of colonization. The elderly...
  14. I do feel that I'm a safe nurse. I've been in nursing for over 5 years and this job was the first job I've rec'd write ups. This facility does not believe in verbal warnings. Write up at this facility...
  15. How I Got My Dream Job!
