First you have to think of what type of experience does she have?Is it the same type on your floor?If it is the same type of nursing then it should be just a mechanics of your floor, certain DR info,...
Our new Nurses (new grad or new employee), do not float for 6 months, the cna for 3.Yes we do float, no, we do not get any extra money for it.That is a good idea tho
I feel, that as Nursing has evolved and became more skilled and specific in care etc, Doctors have changed in treatment of nursing staff.When i first started in the medical field as an a nurses...
I would contact the labor board in your state.If you are truly doing necessary work, they have to pay you.If you are just hanging out, then no.Is it a consistent issue that you have to stay after...
I truly do not understand why some people feel nursing is a pit stop or short cut from being a Doctor.Being a nurse is it's own specialty, it has nothing to do with being or not being a Doctor.True,...
From your post, you have absolutely No idea what nursing consists of.It also sounds as if you just want a job that may make you alot of money ,status and prestige.I did not hear you wanted to help...
I worked as Nursing assistant during school.The hospital was very flexible with my hours, it helped ALOT.I was more comfortable with the pt and family members, the flow of the hospital and pt care...
First off, congrats for becoming a nurse AND sticking with it, despite the feelings and problems you have had.In my opinion, from what i read in your post, you are EXACTLY what a nurse is.You are...
Sometimes, when i am trying to assess pt's mental status, i ask them the day date year etc.There are times when i dont even know myself!!!LolThen i reply, wait yea, today is tues the 9th...Luckily...
All i remember about my cap is it was white and a real pain when i had to wear it during clinicals.I would bend over, hit, the siderail,the curtain, even the pt a couple times,lol.I do remember a...
We a few years back, stopped taping report and used paper report.The majority of us HATED IT.It was very hard to not right a novel when alot of things were going on w/ each pt.It seemed to me a very...