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About tmarie75

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  1. I went from working in Womens Health in a hospital setting to working as a PHN in maternal-child health. There are also family planning programs and other services dedicated to women and children....
  2. Any BSNs who went for an MPH?

    I have an MPH. Personally, I think the MPH is more useful in the field of Public Health as a whole. If you intend to stay strictly in the nursing arena, I say go for the MSN. If not, then the MPH is...
  3. I have an MPH with a focus in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention which is basically the same thing you're doing. In your program, you will have some exposure to Epidemiology and associated...
  4. I am newly Board Certified as an APHN as of Oct. 2012 (Option B). Unfortunately, there are not much in terms of study guides available for our specialty. The one on the ASTDN website is a good...
  5. Advanced Public Health Nurse Certification

    thanks so much for the
  6. Advice- MSN with no specialty?

    i am currently enrolled in florida atlantic university's (fau) msn program in administrative & financial leadership specialty, but the school also has an individualized track option within the msn...
  7. Online MPH programs

    the majority of the courses are approximately 16 weeks, a normal semester, but there are a few that are taught in 8 weeks' time (mainly during summer
  8. Online MPH programs

    i have been working in public health for a few years now. i still have the same job for now even though i have received my mph degree. i am working on my msn now, and the job i have now is flexible...
  9. i completed the online mph at florida international university (miami, fl). the online mph is a generalist degree. if you want to specialize, you can, or you can complete a graduate certificate...
  10. i agree. i went back to school and graduated with my mph last month. i truly love public health and public health nursing. if your goal is strictly to work in public health (and not public health...
  11. Online MPH programs

    it is possible to take more credits, but i don't think it would have made that much difference. the average time of completion for the program is about 2 years. another thing to consider is the...
  12. Fall 2009 Graduate school roll call!!!

    my program is online (fau's msn in administrative & financial leadership), and i am taking only 1 class this semester until i graduate with my mph in december. i work part-time, and have also been...
  13. Advanced Public Health Nurse Certification

    i am about to graduate with the mph in december, but i am also working on the msn so i can someday teach phn. i am also interested in the aphn-bc certification, and plan to take the exam at some point...
  14. What did you Master's degree cost you?

    i'm graduating with my mph this december, and i would say that this degree (including tuition, fees, and books) has cost me roughly $25,000. i went to a florida school. i'm also attending a florida...
  15. Too soon for MSN?

    i think the other people who have posted on this forum have given you some sage advice. i understand where you're coming from. i, too, was in a similar position, and started an msn program 6 months...