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All Content by ILstudentnurse

  1. ADN to BSN to CRNA = Realistic Goal?

    I currently attended a community college and am in my second semester of nursing school. I have a 3.8 cumulative G.P.A and a 3.5 nursing G.P.A, so far. The Nurse Anesthetist program requires that an applicant works in the ICU for at least a year and ...
  2. No She/he Did Not!!!

    Oh no she didn't ...Brush the patient's teeth and have them rinse their mouth with water from a bedpan, with the roomates initials on it! ...Pour a patient's urine, contaminated with esbl in the bathtub. ...have a tattoo that said suicide showing dur...
  3. Life as a minority in nursing

    so, what is your argument? as you said, a child from a low economic background has to work twice as hard...even if they use the resources made available to them. a person who comes from a poor family and a substandard school cannot be compared with s...
  4. 21 credits! Is that legal !!!! We have 14 Credits, at the most, per semester. I just completed my first semester and have been told that each semester becomes harder. I'm going to review the fundamental material before next semester, for sure.
  5. Out of shape, how can I prep for clinicals??

    Sorry to hear that. Maybe you should try doing "nurse" activities around your house to build your endurance. Make an occupied bed, rearrange your study area, clean your refrigerator out while standing, buy groceries and carry them into your house, pa...
  6. take class in one state..test in another????

  7. Starting my drug card collection!

    I was just at borders and saw a cute pocket sized drug reference. I'm going to buy it for next semester.
  8. Ashamed of nursing school

    How does people who hope to be in the nursing program reflect the nursing proffesion as a whole? Anyone can hope to become a singer, watch American idol...but does that mean that all singers suck at singing?
  9. I did it! I survived my first semester of NS!

    Congratulations! I just completed my first semester of nursing school also and I am soooooo excited. My school has a higher grade scale (93%-100% = A or 85%-92%=B or 80%-85%=C). I received a B- 91.6% in Basic Care needs and an A-95.6% in Nursing as a...
  10. finally...... a break!!! or is it??

    Yeah, we take our final Monday, hesi Wednesday and register Thursday! I am really going to rest during the Christmas break. I am tired!
  11. Torn about nursing school

    I smell a scam . Everything you have told us has lead me to believe that your school is not accredited. Want to know why? -Financial aid, scholarships and grants are not available at non-accredited schools. Why are they discouraging you from taking...
  12. Will I forget it all??

    What were your grades in micro and anatomy? If you received anything below an A, I suggest you re-take those classes until you master the material. I did not get into the nursing program the first time (fall 2009) I tried (and I had all A's and one ...
  13. Torn about nursing school

    If you want to become a nurse in your situation, your going to have to become creative. #1 Why do you have to pay for health insurance? -Try to obtain a part time job from star bucks, whole foods or some other employer that offers health insurance. -...
  14. I got into NURSING!

    Congrats! I start in the fall also. Did an open slot in your program just become availible or does your school send out acceptance letters late?
  15. How old were you. when you become RN?

    I will be 24 when I graduate, a month before my 25th birthday.
  16. "You will always have a job, everyone needs a nurse just as much as they need water. You chose an excellent field to get into!"
  17. Teacher falsley accused me

    I don't understand how this turned into a race issue:uhoh3:. OP was late, with no excuse. The other students could have had medical issues or a death in the family. I'm sorry to hear about your friend Strawberry banana, but you can not make generaliz...
  18. Super Quick Question About HESI!

    I got a 100% on that section. I actually just skimmed over comprehension and focused on the anatomy, chemistry, math and vocabulary sections. I've never had any issues with reading comprehension, has this been a weakness for you in the past? Do you o...
  19. Hello everyone, I recently dislocated my patella and am concerned because I still have not taken a CPR class or met with my doctor for a physical. The CPR class and physical have to be completed by august 1st 2010 and my appo...
  20. Super Quick Question About HESI!

    Yeah, exactly the same. As ST said, the exam IS a lot easier.
  21. Need feedback on nursing job description

    Oh and he is doctor and cardiac surgeon. He is the best instructor I have ever had, I don't think he meant any harm...just trying to inspire--I guess.
  22. Need feedback on nursing job description

    My A&P professor said something similar to me when I was in his class. He told me that I was too smart to just pass meds and that I would be cheating myself if I didn't become a doctor or CRNA. I accepted his opinion as a compliment and as an ins...
  23. Oh my goodness! My knees' partially dislocate every 2-3 years, this is the first time my knee cap ever stayed out of socket and I was crying like a little baby when it happened . I experienced my first ambulance ride and dosage of "Michael Jackson dr...
  24. too sensitive for nursing??

    Being a sensitive nurse can be a very good virtue. A nurse should act with empathy and compassion, that is the humanistic approach to nursing. If your sensitivity gets in the way of you providing care for your patients, then you may want to talk to a...
  25. Baby during NS = bad idea?

    Having a child is a wonderful experience, but the parents have to consider the child's "experience" also. Will the baby have the opportunity to develop to the best of their ability if the mother is stressed during the nursing program? I'm not sure, b...