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All Content by ILstudentnurse

  1. Sorry had some typos . I'm sitting in an awkward position typing on my iPad,lol. I meant despite.
  2. Thank you guys for your replies! I just came from the orthopedic doctor and he said that I will just need physical therapy to strengthen the muscles that support my knee. I am so happy because I have worked so hard trying to get a's in all my pre-req...
  3. Someone please help!!! Any info is helpful

    oops...I meant nique281.
  4. Someone please help!!! Any info is helpful

    congrats! I have been accepted into the program at Prairie State also! Striving LPN don't give up. I have a 3.9 G.P.A and didn't get into the program last year because I did not complete Micro, communication and AP2 before February 2nd. Good luck!
  5. micro or physioolgy in the summer

    hmmm...physiology. Micro may be a challenge to take in the summer. If you have a choice between the two...don't take micro in the summer! Micro takes ALOT of memorization, physiology has some concepts that you may know already.
  6. Bombed a test

    I got a D on my first test in cellular and molecular biology. It seemed like I read everything that would not be on the test. He didn't cover the material in his lecture. Every professor is different. You have to learn their test patterns. Most of th...
  7. chapters sylabus for A&P 2

    I think every school is different....maybe you can e-mail the instructer.....they might let you know what to study ahead of time.
  8. Microbiology study group spring 2009

    Count me in!
  9. Anyone else pinning all hope on getting accepted to ONE program?

    I applied to only one school, prairie state college in IL. I have a 3.9 G.P.A. I hope I get in!
  10. Mom Needs Study Tips PLS!

    I have a 15 month old and have gotten nothing but A's so far. I play with my daughter singing my anatomy information. At night I'll put all the information I need to know on flash cards. For example: Say oh "kids name" did you know that your ethmoid ...