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About the_alchemist

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  1. Weight Variance Meetings and EHR

    Hi all! I just want to know how other facilities conduct their weight variance meetings: who attends the meetings, how often, how long it takes on average, and follow up procedure. Our building has been through changes for the past 3 years and nothin...
  2. how to be an efficient MDS coordinator

    Thank you for your replies. We do not have Medicare residents. I am told that my job is "simplified" because of that. We have 98 beds and I am the only MDS personnel. And since I am the only person to do the job, I only do things related to MDS: care...
  3. how to be an efficient MDS coordinator

    I am a new MDS coordinator. No MDS experience at all, but like everybody else would say, my personality fits right in, and of course, i'll learn along the way. My first week of orientation dealt mostly with the basics. 3 days of practice on the compu...
  4. Assisted Living: Challenge and Future

    I have a potential Health Care Coordinator position waiting for me at a Sunrise Senior Living community. I am currently a SNF supervisor. While I like what I'm doing right now, I dont think there is room for growth because of poor management and the ...
  5. preemployment drug screen

    I went for an interview last week and they wanted me to start 1st week of May. That same day, I was asked if I was ready to provide a urine sample. I wasn't ready due to the fact that I had to go to the bathroom just before I went in for the intervie...
  6. What would you do?

    Going back to this case, let me write down more info about this patient pre-fall he was non-ambulatory with 1-person assistance with transfers he had a fall 6 days before, in the fall, he fell on his rear end, pelvic x-ray done without any fracture h...
  7. What would you do?

    There's no official report yet on cause of death, but the MD who saw him at the hospital said 'they found a lot of blood in the head"
  8. What would you do?

    they weren't. There was another RN who asked if 911 was called, and she asked before she saw the patient. After seeing the patient, she agreed that the patient was not in an emergent situation and advised about the importance of documentation, which...
  9. What would you do?

    The patient stayed in the hospital for about 16 hrs before he died. The DON and MD understood that pt was in no acute distress and not in an emergency situation, given the pt's condition before he left as witnessed by the EMTs and as documented. Unf...
  10. What would you do?

    he expired about 17hrs after the fall. MD order was to send to ER for further evaluation. No change of condition the whole time pt was in the building. EMTs arrived about an hour after the fall, and exited the building 20 mins later. Like i said, the...
  11. What would you do?

    to follow up on this thread, unfortunately this patient died. he was sent to the hospital an hour after the fall. he left the LTC facility still alert, with GCS of 14, A&Ox1 same as baseline. What are your fall protocols in your workplace as far...
  12. What would you do?

    thanks for your responses... btw, it happened in a LTC facility. given the above assessments, would you call 911? Or would it still be a prudent action to call the Doctor, get an ambulance and send the pt to ER?
  13. What would you do?

    Please share your response on this scenario: Demented geriatric patient fell on concrete floor from wheelchair, sustained a laceration near the corner of the eye and bleeding was controlled. c/o pain in injured area. He is able to mention his name wh...
  14. IV and blood under the skin

    thank you for your responses... like u said, it couldve been the tourniquet. the pt was really skinny and dehydrated. in fairness to the nurse, she did apply direct pressure. guess it was just the way it was. and i agree, let's not forget that we we...
  15. IV and blood under the skin

    I was orienting with a nurse who was to start IV hydration to one patient. After preparing everything, I came closer to her to observe the insertion. When she hit the vein, there was blood return, i thought to myself wow that was pretty easy! as soon...