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About Lisbeth

dog lover, RN

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  1. Med/Surg to ICU

    I transferred from med surg after several years of experience, hoping to be able to use my skills and be able to really focus on my patients. My orientation in ICU was 3 months, but was so intense...
  2. Our non rebreather masks have a rubber valve that looks like a washer that closes when the pts breathe in so they don't get outside air, just the oxygen. Then, when they exhale, the valve opens to...
  3. Heparin or lovenox

    I've given heparin SQ in the anterior thigh also, when there were large abdominal dressings from surgery and I couldn't use the abdomen. I thought it could be injected in any subcutaneous fatty
  4. Transfers from ICU

    I'm on the med-surg end of the transfers, and I the date of the last BM is missed a lot in our reports. It takes a lot of time to research the chart once the patient gets to our floor, and the ICU...
  5. Am I a hospital secretary?

    Is internship like orientation? Who is precepting or mentoring you while you are still new? This person should be helping you to adjust to the reality of your floor. Many new nurses feel...
  6. making assignments

    Thanks for the great responses. We don't use "teams", I'm not even sure how they work. We try to take acuity into account, and we can do that at the start of the shift based on patients already on...
  7. making assignments

    I work as a charge nurse on a med-surg floor and we are currently having discussions regarding patient assignments. We usually have the charge nurse on the previous shift make our assignments so we...
  8. How long was new grad orientation?

    When I was a new grad in med-surg, I our hospital had a ten week orientation program. Currently, the program is six to ten weeks, depending on your experience (some RNs were LVNs first). The program...
  9. my spinal fusion story

    At our hospital, all post-op patients are offered pain medication every 4 hours for the first 24 hours after surgery. Fusion patients are turned/"logrolled" every 2 hours. We have "pathways" where...
  10. Med-Surg Roll Call

    I have been a med-surg nurse for 6 years, and started here because the nursing schools were still advising new grads to go into med-surg for their first one to two years. I always figured I could...
  11. Completely innaccurate report!

    I agree that you handled it correctly. I would have talked to the nurse who gave me an incorrect report, and then I would have written it up (especially if she didn't have a good explanation or if...
  12. Judge Backs Law to Increase Nursing Staffs

    I am curious if anyone is having problems at work related to the new ratios. Is it happening, and if so, is patient care better, or are hospitals cutting staff
  13. Most dreaded Dr.'s orders

    We used to give our patients a pink enema that was called "Pink Lady Enema" and that's how the MD's would order it. The pharmacy would make it up with a mixture of things, like mineral oil, but I...
  14. Most dreaded Dr.'s orders

    I once had orders on an eye surgery pt for 3 different eye gtts, five minutes apart, q 30