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About ReWritten

ReWritten specializes in ER.

northern bumpkin surviving the south. I want to return to the north to experience all 4 seasons one day...

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  1. Night Shift or Day Shift while in FNP program?

    It's doable while on night shift, as I know people who have done it, but when it comes time to do clinical hours, it's going to be far easier to do it while on dayshift, given most of your clinicals...
  2. Encouragement Needed

    I'm not at UTA, but I have heard similar complaints from coworkers in their master's programs. At least we are all in the same metaphorical
  3. Encouragement Needed

    Thank you for you reply, CocoaLover. My BSN was all on-campus school, and this is the first time I've ever really taken online courses, and I'm really not enjoying the lack of face time. I've only had...
  4. Encouragement Needed

    I am currently at a local state school's FNP program, going more or less at a part time rate as I work full time. The school is mostly online, though I've yet to go to campus for anything. Anyhow, I...
  5. ENP or Emergency Physician?

    It depends on the level of trust you have with your ED physician and your skills/experiences. It also depends on who you work for. I've worked out in a rural hospital where the midlevels could pretty...
  6. New grad ER nurse

    Brand new - focus on assessment skills and time management (including priorities). Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you don't know how to do something/unsure/not confident doing it on your own -...
  7. Low GPA for NP school

    It definitely depends on the applicant pool. I'll let you know my GPA was in the gutter (around a 2.9) and I did mediocre on the GRE. I applied to a couple schools and in my letter of intent,...
  8. I started in a 15-bed rural ED, and the PAs and NPs saw everything - fast track and if the MD was busy, pick up other patients. When I went to a major city ED, they didn't even hire NPs until recently...
  9. Emergency Nurse Practitioner

    Unfortunately it is very confusing. I've worked in ERs where the NPs are FNP and I've worked where they're ACNP. It really depends on the system. I've also worked in setting where I've never see the...
  10. Dallas or Houston?

    Dallas! But of course I'm a bit biased as I live here. Apply to all, interview, and decide from there based off their interview/tour you're
  11. ER nurse with 7 years of experience

    Low 30's sounds about right. You also have to remember the cost of living in the Dallas area is very reasonable, I think, and you can live comfortably at this salary. You'll have to ask the hospitals...
  12. Help!!! Floor nurse applied for ED position

    Plenty of nurses move from the floor to the ER. I did and very thankful for my time on the floor. I learned about medications and prioritization, and got my assessment skills down. You will have an...
  13. Bedside hand-off/report?

    In a smaller ER. We report at the nurses' station. I think bedside reporting would work in ours, but I don't see any of my coworkers agreeing to it. Plus, the fear of HIPAA violation. We had AIDET...
  14. How'd You Get Your ER Job?

    I always wanted to do critical care/ICU during nursing school. I did not have a good experience in my ER rotation during nursing school, so I was no interested or impressed with it. After 8 months of...
  15. I graduated May 2010, never worked in healthcare before. I was a cashier at Target... I was hired on a med-surg/tele floor with no