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All Content by Code3EMT

  1. What color of suit to purchase for job interview?

    I've spoke to a friend who is in nursing management and he said that a suit sets you apart from other interviewees. I think you can get away with a nice shirt and tie. But I would base your uniform on the professionalism of the hospital. If you are i...
  2. CSU San Marcos ABSN program questions

    Actually I took the test at Santa Ana College. Then I sent my results to San Marcos. I think most of the campuses that offer the TEAS test are done by computer but for some reason SAC was done by scantron and mailed to ATI for grading. Good luck!
  3. Any CSUDH MEPN Fall 2008 Applicants out there?

    I got Downey too. I bought my books already because you can get them cheaper than the bookstore through a couple of different websites. They just take a couple of days to get and I want to make sure I have them by the first day of class.
  4. Any CSUDH MEPN Fall 2008 Applicants out there?

    See you guys there.
  5. CSU San Marcos ABSN program questions

    I didn't get into San Marcos but apparently they are starting an ABSN program at a satellite school in Temecula that I was accepted into. It sounds like you've got a pretty good shot at getting in. I had A's in most of the pre-reqs except for Chem an...
  6. Any CSUDH MEPN Fall 2008 Applicants out there?

    I had trouble setting up my CSUDH e-mail account. I ended up having to call tech. services (Marian? 310-243-2045) and she ended up straightening out the problem. I'm able to login now. Call her and leave your name and student ID# if you are still hav...
  7. Any CSUDH MEPN Fall 2008 Applicants out there?

    Just got my financial aid awards summary. It's not much . Looks like I'm going to be living off of Top Ramen and selling my plasma for the next 2 years.
  8. Any CSUDH MEPN Fall 2008 Applicants out there?

    I spoke to someone in financial aid today. They said there was a hold on awards but that we should be receiving awards notifications in about a week.
  9. Any CSUDH MEPN Fall 2008 Applicants out there?

    Hey all, I wanted to introduce myself since it looks like we'll be classmates in the fall. I stumbled upon this thread while I was looking up ways on how I'm going to afford this program. I just received Jorge's e-mail this evening. Has anyone receiv...