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About stelon

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  1. Should I take the real TEAS for practice?

    Have you completed all your schooling in the US? And how long ago was high school? I took the TEAS 6 years post high school and studied only using the study guide they sell. 94% first shot. I really...
  2. First RN job & it's pay

    33.78/hr plus a $4.00 differential in So Cal. Pretty good.
  3. New Grad: feeling defeated

    Work any connections you have. I've been at my hospital as a nursing assistant for several years now, and still almost did not get a job. However, I asked my manager and department director every time...
  4. took nclex 7/29/13

    jsanchez--how did you possibly find your name on the license verification for CA BRN? They haven't even updated their license verification page since 7/29, same day we both tested. I've been watching...
  5. Soon to be in a similar boat myself, but you better believe I won't turn in a two weeks notice! If they want to let me go for being "overqualified" they'll have to do it themselvs. If you put in your...
  6. Pasadena City College LVN TO RN

    Nope, just graduated. :) But I was in your exact spot a year ago, just finishing the TEAS at LA County School of
  7. Pasadena City College LVN TO RN

    mialvnrn, make sure you submit your TEAS scores to PCC. I was also an alternate and emailed my TEAS results to their office. I never recieved a reply, and when I followed up, was told that "Oh yeah,...
  8. LVN to RN in Southern California

    I found that most places I looked in this area will tell you up front that getting into a bridge program under the 30 unit option can be really difficult as they give preference to bridge students...
  9. Pasadena City College RN program

    Affordable housing in Pasadena is nonexistant. The best you're likely to get is surrounding areas. Try Sierra
  10. ...I live and work in Southern California, was offered a job at my first choice hospital before I even finished my program. About a week out. Starting pay was well above minimum at the time and has...
  11. Moorpark nursing vs Pasadena nursing

    PCC's program probably isn't any easier than Moorpark's. I'm in third semester and a good portion of us are barely passing, despite previously being A and B students. Roughly 25 LVN's bridged into...
  12. Pasadena City College RN program

    For the record, the LVN and RN programs are completely separate. I bridged in with a large amount of PCC LVN grads and no one was prepared for what we're going through. I was always one of those...
  13. Pasadena City College RN program

    I'm pretty sure it HAS to be HS transcripts, as they need to be official. A diploma is too easy to forge. Most schools I applied to were very clear about not accepting diplomas as proof of graduating....
  14. Pasadena City College RN program

    Blue Jeans, currently one of my friends (the one who graduated Spring 2011) has still not found a job. The market for new grads is unfortunately grim, but she's hoping to apply for more positions...
  15. Quick question for my fellow CNAs...

    If they need to be cleaned up, they need to be cleaned up. How is this an infection control issue? If you're using proper hand hygiene it should not be an issue. But leaving a patient in soiled...