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All Content by prendela

  1. How do you cope with being poor

    For the people who decided to do nursing later in life, did you find it hard going from a full time wage to being a student? I really want to do nursing but the main thing that is putting me off is having no money!
  2. Moving to New Zealand

    Hi Susan When you say Northland, I presume you mean the region at the top of the North Island? There is also a suburb called Northland in Wellington. I have lived in Wellington my whole life and it's a beautiful place. I have heard bad things about...
  3. How do you cope with being poor

    oh thanks so much for that. You have truly inspired me. Work pressures can be tough so sometimes study can be a good break. I am 99% sure now that I can cope with 3 years of study.
  4. How do you cope with being poor

    Thanks so much for your posts. I know being a student will be tough but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 3 years of hard slog for a lifetime of an awesome career. I think the sacrifice is definitely worth it.
  5. Do I need a post grad programme in NZL?

    I have a few friends who work as RN's in NZ and they don't have a post-grad. One of my friend's went straight from Otago University to a hospital in Melbourne. Usually nurses will do a post-grad after gaining a couple of years work experience. I a...
  6. peds v. adults

    I have been considering nursing as a career but I stilll haven't decided yet. If I was going to do it then peds nursing would be where Id like to be. Children are so wonderful to be around and they always put a smile on my face.