TopazLover BSN, RN


All Content by TopazLover

  1. You know the last time someone made fun of my hat they got socks and underwear under the Christmas tree for 3 years straight.
  2. TopazLover


    I have not been keeping track of OT jobs lately but it used to be that there was a huge need. If you read AN much you will realize that in many areas there are too many nurses, especially ones with no experience. If you do not like science courses ...
  3. No, I will not wear that top. What is wrong with what I have on? All I need is about 3 days off. You can understand that, can't you?
  4. I do not need a psych consult. I was working at Macy's when I was hit by a flying toy. No, I do not think I am from the North Pole.
  5. TopazLover

    Taking care of Santa Claus...

    My most memorable time for a Santa visit was the night before Christmas in a very samll rural hospital. I was working ICU and had one patient, a young boy. His mother was one of my friends, and a great nurse. A Wilm's tumor had just been discover...
  6. TopazLover

    What Type of Nursing is Right for Me?

    My first job was in a medical psych unit of the VA. When I graduated I just wanted a job. Any job would do. I wanted to learn about all that I had tested on so many times. I did not feel ready for anything. It was a great first job. In my caree...
  7. TopazLover

    Attorney to RN--best education path?

    You peaked my curiosity. I know there are a glut of lawyers coming on the market, and also for nurses. Do you want to use any of your law education? If so, it is a different path than if you really want bedside nursing. Boy is bedside different t...
  8. TopazLover

    Advice needed! I think I am being phased out...

    I think you have been given great suggestions. I would definitely include HR closely. Actually I would make it a very friendly note. I appreciate the extensions of my orientation. While the floor is not what I anticipated when I took this job I a...
  9. That my DSS and his gf continue in the rooms and succeed in their goals. I will make my life enormously easier and more fun.
  10. TopazLover

    Win CASH! 12th Nursing Caption Contest - $100

    John, I know you were married to Tituba, but this Reverand Parrish says she is a witch.
  11. TopazLover

    What do you think about this?

    While I agree with llg about much of this I do not think in this economy where many people have had pay checks frozen or no longer coming in it is fair to ask employees to suck it up once again. If I were asked as a member of the community, I would ...
  12. TopazLover

    Win CASH! 12th Nursing Caption Contest - $100

    I have been asked to discuss the nutrition in your roasted corn.
  13. TopazLover

    What do you think about this?

    I suspect none of the nursing staff needs a wing named after them as a group. People already know how critical you are to cancer recovery. Instead I would ask why the CEO and other top exec. types are not chomping at the bit to have their names up ...
  14. TopazLover


    I agree. Once could have been a fluke, twice a bit of bad luck, three times and you have to look in the mirror. Travelers have a difficult time. Many places need them but hate the cost and difficulties they bring. There is always a local "this i...
  15. Turn off your phone when you sleep. That is a normal response to anyone who has a cell phone. Charge the phone when it is off. I understand your hesitance to go to HR since you are getting a sweet deal about shifts worked. That does not mean you a...
  16. TopazLover

    I'm going to throw up...

    Good going. Congrats. See, a walk in the park, notice I did not say which park:yes:. So now you have some idea about what cliicals are like. Somewhere along the line we all ask dumb questions. My favorite is the one asked by so many getting off t...
  17. Hope the leaves at at a peak when yu go. It is a beautiful area. Enjoy the visit as well as the interview.
  18. We need to push for patient outcomes to be more easily recognized and quantified. Then we could move away from patient satisfaction survey information. Happy, but nosocomally ill patients are things we need to diminish. They need to recognize how...
  19. TopazLover

    The Transience of Life

    Thank you for this well written piece. As a family member whose loved one was one became "not here" I really appreciated those nurses who fought for his life against all odds. They were there for him and for me. I hope that after I left he became a ...
  20. TopazLover

    Coffee Is My Medicine

    Real caffeine addicts go for dark chocolate covering expresso beans. Wash it down with a cup of java and the world turns.
  21. TopazLover

    Alcoholism: disease or choice?

    In recovery there will always be personal accountability. We keep learning more about the brain and the addicted brain. I don't think every criminal behavior is addiction in origin. As long as we treat addiction as criminal behavior we lose valuabl...
  22. TopazLover

    10th Nursing Caption Contest - Win $100

    I don't care that you washed your hands. Where is the PPE? You are not using proper isolation techniques. Obviously.
  23. TopazLover

    The soul crushing part about nursing

    I cannot get my head around a physician refusing to increase the Fentanyl. I have placed multiple patches on an 80 lb. woman. She did not start out with that much but as her tolerance for the narc. increased the doctor knew enough to increase the m...
  24. I think that might be the most important question to ponder. Why go so far from your comfort zone for a job. While we may speculate that is where a real job is located, the hospital wants a bit more. They want to kow that you have taken the time t...
  25. I am always impressed at the work you are able to accomplish. Some days it atakes me that long to post one thing. Joe, we are very blessed to have you. Thank you.