TopazLover BSN, RN


All Content by TopazLover

  1. Many years ago there were insane asylums. Some were so bad that we even got a new English word to describe mental illness based on the facility, Bedlam. When I was a child we had State Hospitals. They were filled with people who did not fit well into...
  2. Doctors Say Gun Control is a Public Health Issue | American News Report According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 31,000 Americans die from firearms annually. While there’s decades of research on what leads people...
  3. TopazLover

    The Nightmare Part Two

    pricharillaismissed, Thank you for your great examples. It is frustrating to discuss the mental health - mental illness continuum as we have so much to learn. My points just included how we have "moved the deck chairs on the Titanic" by shifting tho...
  4. I was fortunate to have a very nice childhood. Not rich, but comfortable and hard working family. Unfortunately my children did not alwyas have that. There was a divorce -messy. There were injuries and illnesses that kept us very poor. My childr...
  5. TopazLover

    Who were you in high school

    Commuter stole my first paragraph. That was me also. I wanted to be a nurse all my life, had a scholarship to go to college and ended up preg. instead. Went back to school when the kids were very young and was like the butterfly, or perhaps the ug...
  6. TopazLover

    What did you get for Christmas?

    I got another cameo to add to my collection. I got a "used" watch, really antique, that is a pendant and has a cameo. And my favorite present: I got 2 days of care in our Family Promise homeless shelter donated in my name and that of my SO.
  7. Just as an aside, One of the things that the service says is that people who played lots of video games have great hand eye coordination and are much easier to train to do complex tasks involving these skills. Of course they are great at running dro...
  8. I am having difficulty following. Am I reading that you don't believe mental illness is an illness? Think genetic diseases are not "real" diseases? I agree that culturally some things are more acceptable than in others. In some cultures cock fight...
  9. Schizophrenia - Causes Borderline personality disorder: Risk factors - NIMH - What causes depression? I have given examples of three psychiatric diseases from 3 different sources. All indicate changes in brain that can be seen on scan...
  10. TopazLover

    Misdirected aggression

    When I was young and a new nurse, I was so proud of my profession. People responded positively when they knew I was a nurse. Now when someone tells me they want to be a nurse I am a bit more reticent. I know how difficult schools are to get in. I ...
  11. TopazLover

    First CPR experience.

    I am sorry your first experience was so bad. Most CPR does not end up with a live body so that was not unexpected. What makes it hard, even to read, is that the patient was brutalized for no good reason. At 96 her bones were probably more fragile ...
  12. TopazLover

    The Nightmare known as Psychiatric Care Part One

    I think it is common for patients to feel the stress and tension that nurses in every area have. i am sorry that any of you have had poor experiences while hospitalized. Your comments speak clearly to the need for more recognition of mental illness...
  13. The NRA Thinks More Guns Are The Answer. Bless Their Hearts. Then Watch This.
  14. kcmylorn touched on the fact that we have a public health crisis. Mr. LaPierre said you can call him crazy. This is an example of how bad the situation is. We talk about mental illness in a pejorative way, making light of a group of illnesses. W...
  15. And I suppose they have been educated in drug interactions, reasons not to "slam" narcs even if the patient is threatening? of course they understand all about confidentiality. That is why they are violating every nuance of it. Sorry, I think nurse...
  16. TopazLover

    MD refuses to sign a telephone order.

    Thanks, every once in a while the abbreviations don't click.
  17. I owe many of you an apology. When i said "no child" you are right I left out the word unsupervised. That was what I meant. I encouraged my DGS to learn how to shoot. One of his parent's friends have a son who was shot in the head by a friend pl...
  18. I so agree. We don't try to take cars away from everyone when 100 car pile ups occur due to poor driving choices in fog. However we do demand that people be able to pass at least a minimun test written and performance in order to get a license. Re...
  19. I continue to be shocked at the either or approach I read from many. One thing I think is being shoved under the rug is RESPONSIBLE gun ownership. I do not want responsible gun owners to lose their ability to have guns. I don't think there is anyth...
  20. TopazLover

    MD refuses to sign a telephone order.

    I suspect the issue is one of hind sight for the doc The order was not correct given the info when the chart was complete with the new labs. Do you have hospitalists? Is is protocol to call the attending for these things? Is there a way you would h...
  21. TopazLover

    The Nightmare known as Psychiatric Care Part One

    Each specialty requires different abilities of a nurse. I could never work in the OR. I have the patience of a saint when it comes to students and people with dementia, go figure, but hav no patience with many other areas. Psychiatric nursing requ...
  22. TopazLover

    The Nightmare known as Psychiatric Care Part One

    Don't be fooled by the reality of changes in care for those with mental illness. The stigma is still there. Funding is pitiful for the chronic menally ill. But part of that is for the next installment. In the time before it comes out think for your...
  23. TopazLover

    The Nightmare known as Psychiatric Care Part One

    I don't know the answers about the dx of hysteria. Certainly it was common. My gut feeling is that they were seeing peripause, menopause and likely endometriosis and had no good way to dx those things. As the behaviors of crying, mood swings, etc....
  24. TopazLover


    My nephew is married to a school psychologist. She spends a great deal of time pushing papers. I don't think she gets as much satisfaction out of the job as she anticipated. Again, talk with people who really have these positions. Do they do what...
  25. What, you only work 3 days a week? OK, so it is night shift. Big deal. Santa has us working 12 hour shifts 6 days a week. The seventh day we get to take the reindeer out for exercise. I get Tuesdays off. Any idea what it is like to motivate reinde...