I too, am divorced mom of one with no family help in my area. I have a night job waitressing. The money is up and down but it barely covers the bills. I will try to keep this job as I go through my...
I going the LPN then LPN to RN route, so I'm currently doing pre-reqs at South Piedmont outside of Charlotte. i wasn't sure which RN program I would continue into after, until meeting a woman who is...
I don't have an inside scoop, but the fact that there are available seats is really great news. I was told that the SPCC program didn't have enough applicants to meet their criteria so they had to...
HospitalPassion- will you be taking the RN program at ECPI after you become an LPN? I'm debating applying to their LPN program but I'm not excited about having to take classes over to become an
There is a free NCLEX-RN review book on Amazon right now (6/15). Hopefully it helps someone! Amazon.com: NCLEX-RN Content Review Guide eBook: Kaplan: Kindle
It wasn't until I started dating a UPS driver did I realize all the BS many of them have to put up with. He has a pretty tough route in a major US city. Many days he doesn't take his hour lunch. He...
I was approached today by an employee to sign a petition to fight the closing of Downstate. Anyone have any info on this? Such a major hospital- for the community and the teaching