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About becembrie

becembrie has 6 years experience and specializes in PEDS-HEM/ONC.

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  1. Help - Lung Sounds

    I have the same problem. The link was helpful. I know when what I am hearing is abnormal, but not always able to correctly state what the sounds are. I don't recall learning much about the various...
  2. Believe it or not, I left the nursing profession for 15 years!! I had my kids and ran a family business all the while wanting to go back, but life just kind of got in the way. I was fortunate that...
  3. Has anyone worked in pediatric home health?

    Hi there. I haven't been on the site for a while and was just looking around when I saw your post. I am currently looking for a pediatric home health position. I have a full time position which I...
  4. must have qualities for a nurse

    Hi again. Just click on my user name and it will give you a drop down of options. You can send a personal message or email me directly.
  5. must have qualities for a nurse

    Michelle, I have always wanted to be a pediatric nurse. I graduated when I was in my mid twenties and worked for 5 years in pediatric oncology. Then I left the profession for about 15 years to raise...
  6. must have qualities for a nurse

    Michelle, I think you should go for it. It took me three tries to pass chemistry!!! It just wasn't my thing. I loved anatomy and biology, but just couldn't get my mind around chemistry. Probably...
  7. must have qualities for a nurse

    There are so many different types of nursing. If you are compassionate and like being around people, nursing would be a good choice. I always knew I wanted to be a nurse. Is it something you are...
  8. skunk smell??

    Maybe it's hormonal. When I was pregnant with my last daughter, I could not stand the smell of my clothes. It was the strangest thing. It was only my clothes and the odor wasn't horrific, it just...
  9. For Inactive Nurses desiring to return to the field

    I must have just gotten lucky. I was out for 16 years and rehired to my old position without a problem. I am finishing a two month re-orientation this week. It hasn't been easy, but really, it...
  10. Patient with maggots in head

    I think I saw a show on National Geographic about maggots that are bred in a sterile lab environment. They are used for wound care. Like someone else said, they eat away the necrotic tissue and help...
  11. Curious: WHATS WITH THE CLOGS?

    I hate Crocs, but love my Dansko Clog. They are the only shoes that don't cause my feet to
  12. Student seeking ICU advice

    Meg, if you really feel you want to work in ICU, then you should go to the open house and ask them if there is a possibility of starting out there when you graduate. They will be able to tell you...
  13. Curious: WHATS WITH THE CLOGS?

    I have Lupus and all the little bones in my feet are in constant pain. The clogs are the only shoes that allow me to work pain free for 12 hours. I know they aren't that attractive, but I'll take...
  14. Hourly rounding... I have the time

    I think the surveys hospitals send out are a bunch of baloney. Most don't send them for a few weeks and it has been proven that most people only respond if they have had a negative experience. You...
  15. Really concerned NEED HELP

    You state that you want to become an RN eventually. Have you looked into the ADN program at Goldenwest College? It's close to you and they have a great program. Good