
ExpatHopeful LPN, LVN


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About ExpatHopeful

ExpatHopeful has 4 years experience as a LPN, LVN and specializes in Gastroenterology.

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  1. It depends on the rules of that country I'm sure - what country? In general I would say no, unless it's a pretty weird country. Every country has different rules about what training and licences a...
  2. After CNA class

    They're such different environments, it really depends on what your personality is and what your long-term career goals are. I've worked as a CNA in two outpatient clinics and in a hospital and...
  3. Career advice please (x-post)

    Thanks! It's good to hear that going float has been a good experience for you. This is the option that I'm most leaning towards, it's just that I love my floor so much and am intimidated about being a...
  4. Hey ashley, I don't know if you were offered the position or not, but I work on a colo-rectal floor that also takes elective bariatric patients. About 1/4 of our patients are post-op gastric...
  5. Eating on the Night Shift

    What's worked for me is: regular largish dinner before I go to work around 6pm, around 1am have a greek yogurt and some fruit (either a banana or something else) and a cup of coffee, then at home at...
  6. Career advice please (x-post)

    i would really appreciate any advice or input people could give me on my situation. i've been working on a med-surg floor for 9 months now in my first rn position. i work nights and love my job, my...
  7. How to prepare for my new job?

    The best books to turn to are the ones from nursing school, so I hope you kept your med-surg text book and your health assessment textbook. They'll be helpful if you want to read up on various...
  8. Any Advice For A Brand New RN

    congratulations on the new job! if they didn't think you were smart enough they wouldn't have hired you. as a nurse 9 months into my first job, here's my advice about making the most of your...
  9. New RN starting 1st job

    Like with any new job, come prepared and on time, take notes, dress professionally, be friendly, ask your new co-workers about themselves and about the job, be upbeat and know what's expected of you...
  10. New Grad Nursing Supplies Advice

    Things I bought myself: Good shoes (love Birkenstock Londons) Support socks Stethoscope (the one I used in nursing school) Black pens (buy by the box and leave in my locker) Red pens (I use them to...
  11. Career advice for a pregnant RN

    I would really appreciate any advice or input people could give me on my situation. I've been working on a med-surg floor for 9 months now in my first RN position. I work nights and love my job, my...
  12. Pregnancy timing and FMLA

    Thanks for the thoughtful reply Alsgal. I do know on a logical level that I should wait another month or two to give myself that extra 'just in case' buffer. And that is pretty much the same advice...
  13. Pregnancy timing and FMLA

    Well, I'm confused. And the more I look at the HR pages of other employers the more it looks as if the opposite is true. That as long as you've been employed for 12 months by the date your FMLA leave...
  14. Night nursing

    I eat a substantial dinner at 5:30pm before my shift, at 2:00am I take my break and have a greek yogurt, a coffee, and a small snack (slice of breakfast bread, fruit, some trail mix, etc), then I eat...
  15. New Grad nurse/early pregnancy advice

    One of my co-workers interviewed for the job while pregnant, told the manager about it, and the manager arranged for her to start after she delivered, months later. Pretty awesome I thought....