Kim Valentine BSN, RN

Community Health, Care Coordination and Geriatrics


About Kim Valentine

Kim Valentine has 37 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Community Health, Care Coordination and Geriatrics.

Kim Valentine BSN RN is a registered nurse and freelance health writer with extensive  experience in hospital and community health. Her current position is working as a Patient Care Coordinator is a small rural hospital with a passion for improving the health literacy of our communities.

Latest Activity

  1. Indeed, we can't deny that we work with reduced staff in high acuity settings in our current health care environment. These workload pressures cause us to prioritize elements of care. But should we dismiss the significance of oral care? Perhaps if we...
  2. Great article! If only we all went back to those basics! It makes so much sense. My friend is an epidemiologist for our local Public Health with her PhD and was challenged all the time during the pandemic because others had the “real” informatio...
  3. Kim Valentine

    Understanding and Preventing Dehydration in the Older Adult

    Absolutely! Creative strategies are so important.
  4. When thirsty, most of us inevitably go to the tap or refrigerator for a drink of water or some other refreshing beverage. In most cases, we all take this simple task for granted. Our receptors will signal when thirsty, so we drink. Hydration can be...
  5. Kim Valentine

    Understanding Delirium in the Hospitalized Older Adult

    Oh my goodness Wuzzie, my heart goes out to you. I used to work in the community and this has to be one of the most difficult situations as a caregiver. It sounds like she has had several tests. Is she followed by a geriatrician as well? I'm sure N...
  6. Kim Valentine

    Understanding Delirium in the Hospitalized Older Adult

    Thank you for your comment. That must have been such a challenging situation for you to be in! I also wonder sometimes if "ageism" plays a role? I agree validated screening tools such as the CAM are so important to be familiar with and utilize i...
  7. Kim Valentine

    Understanding Delirium in the Hospitalized Older Adult

    Good point! I also realize critical care areas are some of the most challenging environments.
  8. Kim Valentine

    Understanding Delirium in the Hospitalized Older Adult

    I think the CAM is useful to draw attention to the clinician that there is a delirium going on and not just assuming the patient has dementia thereby delaying treatment. But it is a screening tool and not diagnostic.
  9. Kim Valentine

    Understanding Delirium in the Hospitalized Older Adult

    The first set to treatment is identifying the cause such as an infection, pain, constipation or abnormal lab values. Sometimes the solution is right in front of us. I know in critical care it is a challenge to alter the environment. In the hos...
  10. Kim Valentine

    Understanding Delirium in the Hospitalized Older Adult

    I think the first key is to identify if there is a reversible source, like an infection or electrolyte imbalance, etc. I see it more than I'd like to, that older adults in a delirium are deemed as having "dementia" and little is done for them excep...
  11. Kim Valentine

    Addressing Nurses' Sleep Meter For Better Heart Health

    Thanks for this article with such valuable information. Certainly shift work is a challenge to having a restful sleep but you bring up some good strategies to use. I used to “need” 8 hours of sleep a night but as I age, that number seems to drop wher...
  12. The percentage of adults over age 65 in the United States is now more than 16% of the population. Because this age group tends to have more comorbid and chronic conditions, they are twice as likely to be hospitalized as compared to people under the a...
  13. Kim Valentine

    Duragesic and Tegaderm

    I have recently heard that the manufacturer does not recommend the use of tegaderm whatsoever. I lothe duragesic patches anyway!
  14. Kim Valentine

    Duragesic and Tegaderm

    Recently a pediatric oncologist ordered 12.5mcg of durgesic on an 8 year old home care client of ours. This family is not covered for the 12.5mcg patch but is covered for the 25mcg patch. The oncologist ordered us to place half of the patch on tega...
  15. Kim Valentine

    PICC reaction vs infection

    I recommend using the Biopatch along with a securment device like Statlock. The new stats on Biopatch state that PICC infections are reduced by 60%. That is a significant evidence for me to adapt my practice.