

Assisted Living nursing, LTC/SNF nursing

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About IowaKaren

IowaKaren has 12 years experience and specializes in Assisted Living nursing, LTC/SNF nursing.

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  1. facility implosion post-takeover

    Yep, going through something like this myself but on a small
  2. Actually, I would say it is a typical age after starting a family and all. Or just having that feeling that you should be doing something different with your life. I was in my 40's and had...
  3. Are your incontinent patients truely incontinent?

    Give me 10 fairly heavy care residents WITHOUT major physical issues (eg. tube feeding aspiration precautions; unhealable open fractures that will get infected and the resident will eventually pass...
  4. Norovirus - Help me calm my fears!!

    Hope you wore that
  5. skin tear packets

    That seems to be the norm for overnights. Find a good sized, dark purple bruise that you have to figure out how they got it, when they got it, what they were doing, etc. at 2300 (an hour into shift)....
  6. If I hate being a med tech, will I hate being a nurse?

    The point is, in Assisted Living you do not need to be a CNA or CMA or have worked in healthcare before. You can come in off the street, get that bit of under training and call it good, your ready to...
  7. Nursing Home - Abandonment?

    That seems to be a typical analogy if trying to reduce hours d/t census. As long as a nurse is in the building and narc's are counted with that said nurse along with reporting off, that is okay. Not...
  8. Residents that need constant supervision

    Yes, and I do not believe it will get any better in the future. Such a sad state in many
  9. Frustrated With New Narcotic Rules

    Also, some with major pain issues from surgeries come without prn pain med's, not even APAP. No pain all day but when trying to sleep at night, frustrating when a block decides to wear off. Lately...
  10. Staffing requirements

    I also thought in my state we couldn't add in Supervisor nurses either but the place I work at now does. Sure makes the 'numbers' look
  11. How Many Night Nurses Attend Meetings?

    I'm always told, "I remember those days too," like it's a right of passage or something, LOL. Just depends if it falls on my night off or my first night
  12. First time at a nursing home

    Welcome to the USA. Everything is money driven and we are suppose to care even though the time allowed isn't enough in some cases, depending on the nursing home you are working in. Unfortuately,...
  13. Base pay of RN BSN in LTC

    Wages will vary from place to place, even amongst corporate NH's. BSN means nothing where I work and your not given a higher wage because of
  14. Do any nursing homes use "agency staffing" anymore?

    I heard that my place of employment will not hire Agency anymore (agency nurses or CNA's) because it about broke them at one time (that's the rumor anyway). Only in very rare cases would a supervisor...
  15. Late entry your next shift may be the only