

Babies, peds, pain management

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About asher315

asher315 has 31 years experience and specializes in Babies, peds, pain management.

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  1. NICU Nerd Attack!

    I remember in school being told over and over again that a good nurse was a life-long learner and there you are. You can be retired but you will always be a nurse! And someday I hope to be...
  2. List of level IV NICU's

    Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little
  3. Random question.

    In our unit, most incubator babies are feeder/growers with temp problems. Rarely they might have a PIV but nothing else. Our incubators are oriented parallel to the wall and babies heads are usually...
  4. Possible 36 week delivery, hospital has no NICU

    Check with your pediatrician. They would know the hospital and staff. Best wishes to you and your
  5. feeding and tachypnea

    Newborn was 2 days and had an NG and PIV running. Don't know what the doc was
  6. feeding and tachypnea

    How fast a resp rate is too fast to po feed? Recently had a doc go ballistic because the nurse "defied" the order to remove NG tube and po feed despite the infant with rr 70-100"s. Anybody have any...
  7. PDN and snow: how do they treat you?

    I just lost 2nights shifts because of ice. Snow, rain, tornados I can handle, ice just scares me. I have a long driveway, country roads and several bridges and hills to navigate and ice makes it...
  8. Timing of antibiotics

    I was always taught to give ampicillin first then gentamicin 2 hours late to avoid incompatiability. Is this still the way it is done? Thanks for your
  9. "Baby Friendly"

    I work in a Level 2 NICU and we deliver approx 1800 babies a year. With the new Medicaid changes, we are really being pressured to improve our breastfeeding numbers, especially no supplementation, AT...
  10. Oops

    The funniest "oops" I've heard lately: The hospital operator announces overhead: "Would the owner of a black vulva, parked in the ER parking lot...." Repeated it 3 times loud and...
  11. Favorite Dr or Nurse Name

    I worked in Florida with a Dr. Arriola, obgyn. Then there is Dr. Money, pysch. And I saw a print ad with a dentist named as Dr.
  12. OB T-shirt slogans?

    We had a nice one "We deliver miracles daily". And BTW, we get pizza delivered alot to our
  13. How does YOUR hospital waste its money?

    My manager just spent the week at a hospital across the state, meaning her room and meals provided, to observe how they were surveyed by JACHO. Maybe I'm the crazy one, but wouldn't it be better for...
  14. Newborn Hypoglycemia Protocols?

    We do glucose at 30 mins of age for SGA, LGA, IDM and any NB having needed resus. At 2 hrs for any newborns "at risk" mec fluid, jitteriness, If the 40 we do prefeeds until feeding is stable and...
  15. Change to nursery job?

    That's the way I got into Nursery- two years after med-surg. Having 2 years as a working nurse gives you alot of experience in time-management, working with drs and other staff. The patients are...