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All Content by cardiacnurse

  1. where does the money go??????

    As i was writing my check for $60 to renew my nursing license, i got to thinking, there are over 1million nurses in the united states. This $60 is every 2 years, so that means that every year it costs $30. That adds up to 30 million dollars every y...
  2. where does the money go??????

    Lawyer fees for what??? Hospitals have their own lawyers. I am pretty sure the little piece of paper they send with my nursing license number on it doesnt cost $30 a year. As I said originally, im in the wrong field of nursing.
  3. where does the money go??????

    I have a feeling that this is probably the reality of it all. As the lobbyists push to get nursing to be called a "profession", they the politicians turn around and say OK, institutions dont have to pay overtime. So as I see it "OUR" 30 million dol...
  4. where does the money go??????

    i knew it
  5. Who is your Favorite TV or Movie nurse?

    Hotlips was great, but i would have to go with Gaylord Focker.
  6. Menstrual cycle....heehee

    As a male nurse i find that extremely..........true