

ICU- adults, Flight RN peds/neo

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All Content by olderthandirt2

  1. USAGPAN CRNA boards

    Hi, Anybody out there hear from NEU about USAGPAN for June '09? They just emailed me yesterday......I can't believe it..................I AM IN!!!!!!!!!!! I keep re-reading the email, to make sure...
  2. Army Reserve CRNA

    I'm currently Active duty rn in the Army CRNA program (USAGPAN) and female :) If anyone has any questions about the program, let me know. As far as reserve....I was reserve as a 66H8A (icu rn) then...
  3. just an fyi, remember to the check the military forum on the other nursing anesthesia website (google it), b/c they have alot of info on the USAGPAN program. Other VA peeps write on there too. One...
  4. July '10 OBLC

    this is my understanding as well. good luck,
  5. July '10 OBLC

    they arrange transport for you....right? They did for me 2 yrs ago. Just making sure you didn't book the ticket yourself. good luck,
  6. Keep getting different answers?

    Get as many letters of recommendation as you can gather. Coworkers, supervisors, instructors, mentors, etc. I think I had at least 5 or 6 LORs. I didn't worry about the "time frame of when I worked...
  7. New Running Plan, etc.

    So put in for Landstuhl.....I knew 2-3 new grads who had that as their 1st pick and got it in 2008...Anything is possible.
  8. Army PFT

    Hey Athena, How are you doing? Are you back from your D.? I'm about to take off from FT Sam for the 2nd part of the USAGPAN CRNA training.....going to Madigan. I hope you are well !!!!!
  9. Army PFT

    At FT SAM, not everyone does the "run" portion on a track.....Oblc does. My company doesnot. We run from the "kwanza hut" to the library (1 mile up, 1 mile back)......3x times in the last
  10. Army PFT

    Very true......the ground can be hard, especially at FT SAM. And if you are doing your PT at OBLC / FT SAM, be prepared for HEAT. And more HEAT. It even feels hot and humid at 0500 when you'll be...
  11. Army PFT

    Nope, no
  12. Army PFT ???

    Hooah, good job................. Just a word about running which we all know----running distance and "SPRINTING a 2 miler" are different muscle fibers types (type 1 for long runs and type 11a for...
  13. Needing some advice and opinions... kinda down:(

    Correct. I am an Active Duty 1LT (was Reserve for 14months prior). My salary equates to civilian 70~ish. (b/c 34% of my gross is untaxed, however I live in an area that has a BAH of $1345......so YOUR...
  14. Army to pay for CRNA school?

    there is another website that is for nurse anesthesia specifically. On it there is a "military forum", with TONS of info on it for perspective students for USAGPAN and USUHS...............just google...
  15. Getting on a Military base

    Completely agree it is "base dependant". Ft Lewis, I needed a "day pass" b/c I didn't have a dod sticker on my car at that time (military ID wasn't good enough)....I guess b/c it is an
  16. Getting on a Military base

    If your car has "expired registration---plates" you will be turned away. SOMETIMES, they will let you through, but most the time not. Make sure everyone in the car has ID. Occasionally my husband...
  17. CRNA school and WORK FULL-TIME? Maybe I am reading this wrong....are you kidding? USAGPAN doesn't allow it.....one student in last years class was "moonlighting during school".....no shock, that...
  18. Questions from an aspiring nurse anesthetist

    you can also go in as a "direct accession from the Army to USAGPAN with 1 yrs experience (civvie or AD) and go to CRNA school." Although, I would definitely not recommend this program with 1-2 yrs...
  19. Military CRNA Programs

    You might want to google "nurse anesthesia" and go to the military forum. There are different threads on VA students in the USAGPAN program. Currently, we have 4 students and I think there are 4...
  20. I'm a current SRNA......I did nothing special to prepare, other than my job/experience/certification/gre/other degrees/endless hours on 3 apps for ARMY.........but after I was accepted......I chilled,...
  21. ARMY Critical Care Nursing full?????

    Glass is half full..... Happy in my ignorant bliss. No matter where you go there will be people unhappy with their situation. But that is THEIR truth, not mine. Our mood and attitude is by choice,...
  22. I hear your concern. I also have taken the GRE before......twice infact (12yrs ago, 3 yrs ago and then this last time). The most beneficial part of the online course is the "simulation tests". There...
  23. If you dont want to spend the $$$ on the online course (understandable), then I'd get "Cracking the GRE" by princeton review....it is the best "book" of ahortcuts Ive seen..... It looks like I also...
  24. I agree that the GRE should be a factor especially if you do horrible, but not a decision maker because some individuals learn better in a classroom environment and hands on. I'm going to take the GRE...
  25. security clearance.

    it sounds like something is missing with this story.... Is she 100% sure that she did not "leave a shred of information out" in the application? If they catch you with one "lie or omission"......that...