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About lemonaidangel

I am a country girl. I live on a farm, with cows and pigs and chickens. :-)

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  1. Starting med surg-2 monday any words of wisdom ?

    Practice questions, practice questions, practice questions. Saunder's NCLEX review book saved my life! And I don't know what kind of text you are using, but Brunner's Med Surg has a program called...
  2. Physical Assessment

    I can't even begin to imagine having to learn all that stuff in one week. That's insane. My school had us take an actual assessment class that lasts an entire semester, with lab every other week for...
  3. Need advice on Medsurge Semester PLEASE!!!

    I am done with all my med surg classes, and we used Brunner's as well. I will tell you that while there were no straight up pathophysiology questions, you did have to have a good understanding about...
  4. Aww, that sucks. I'm sorry you are having such a rough first semester. But please don't think that it will always be like this. There are some truly nice people in nursing school that won't give you...
  5. How long are you clinical days?

    In our last semester, my leadership clinical goes from 2-11 PM, 2 days per week. We get assigned our patients (anywhere from 3-6 people, depending on census) and we have pre-ward conference for 45...
  6. Cheaters in my med/surg class

    What proof do you have that they are cheating? Do you have an honor code in your school? Personally, I would not go to a professor unless I am absolutely 100% certain. In fact, I try not to worry...
  7. So what do you absoulutely LOVE about NURSING SCHOOL ? !

    I love all the lifelong friends that I have made. I love feeling more confident in clinicals with each passing week. I love the hour drive home from school. I love making patient's and their families...
  8. Charting and Codes

    I am in my last semester and we have always had to do charting on our patients. The first semester we mostly just charted vital signs and basic assessments, but as we worked our way up we did more and...
  9. Last semester, First Incident Report

    LOL! Yup, it's called a reflection paper. We are supposed to take a few minutes to "reflect" on what happened during clinical and then write something that we learned from our experience. I think...
  10. RN student assigned to LPN???

    I was assigned to an LPN yesterday and she was amazing! She was so nice and helpful, and she really knew her stuff. Even though I am in leadership clinical, she was definitely more than qualified to...
  11. Wish I Had Studied More Of....

    1) Phlebotomy. Even though I am in my last semester, I have only had a chance to start a couple IVs and I am desperate for more experience before graduating. 2) Spanish related to the medical
  12. demented vs dementia

    I tend to think of demented in a derogatory manner. It is a term that people use to insult each other, and basically it means they are insane idiots. Dementia, however, refers to someone having a...
  13. Last semester, First Incident Report

    Yeah, I guess it isn't anything to really worry about, and boy will I never forget again! But I still feel it was a little harsh having to fill out an incident report over something so small, and it...
  14. Politely Refusing to Share Grades

    I don't have a problem with sharing grades either. I'm not going to run around bragging that I got 100% because that might make someone who failed feel bad, but if someone asks me I don't weird out...
  15. Last semester, First Incident Report

    We are in leadership clinicals right now, and since it is our last semester and we are taking on a heavier patient load, we don't have nearly as much paperwork as we used to. We don't have to turn in...