

ER, education, mgmt

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All Content by cookienay

  1. Orientation extended...

    "Inpatient nursing sure has changed in the last few years. Seems that I have not quite mastered the time management skills needed to function optimally. So they are giving me some more time to do that." No shame in that whatsoever. Does not mean you...
  2. TNCC or CEN for re-entering workforce RN?

    Welcome back and best wishes in entering the crazy world of ER nursing. No further advice to add as the other posters are right on the money with their advice. just wanted to say Good Luck!
  3. Is This Accurate Information? Inaccurate?

    I don't know where she gets this "illegal" business of floating to other units. The states do not legislate hospital staffing policies. there is a standard of practice under each licensure. P&Ps and competencies for each unit is determined by the...
  4. rough night

    So let me ask this...after he beat up the nurses, did he still require dopamine?? I know a good fistfight always raises my BP. Anyway, glad you were there. Good to see chivalry is not dead! Glad it is not dead where I work either. and to ukstudent- ...
  5. UAP acting as "nurse" in doctors office!

    She is behaving way out of her scope of practice. She cannot give you orders. Is she assessing? Assessment is clearly in nurse's scope and in no way the MA's. Being in a doctor's office doesn't make you a nurse any more than being in a garage makes y...
  6. Pediatric Sentinel Event

    Reminds me somewhat of the story of the young boy who died following surgery from a GI bleed. Have you all heard of this? He received a Toradol injection for pain and his condition detiorated until he coded and died. THe story is his mother asked eve...
  7. How do you deal with a crying child?

    No child is going to "let" you do anything. As the above poster said...bring some muscle with you, have them help hold. THen assess and inspect away. Remember two things: First, you are the nurse, they are a child- you know this is for their own good...
  8. I dropped out of nursing school, now what?

    I agree that you should include it in your education portion of your resume. there is nothing wrong with deciding something is not for you. Nor is there anything wrong with deciding to withdraw for personal reasons. A simple explanation such as, "Due...
  9. Do nurses make the worse patients?

    I don't think it is being a nurse that makes you a bad patient or family member. It's the being crazy part. Seriously, I had a pt's daughter wig out on me one night. She just waltzed up to the nurse's station, got her mother's chart out of the rack ...
  10. Is this harassment?

    I just have to add...the dept chair is being a pantywaist. An individual does not have a right to free speech when they are on the job. Otherwise, we could all tell our annoying pts, family members, and co-workers what we really are thinking. There i...
  11. Jacked Up Sodium

    I am soooo not smart enough to be reading this thread. :)
  12. Is this harassment?

    AGree with above suggestions. Perhaps a conference with your superior or HR to ask them what their plan is to stop the harassment- because it is indeed harassment. Document the meeting. Depending how far you wish to go, perhaps consulting an attorney...
  13. Going to hospitals in person-- yes or no?

    HR recruiters look for something that sets a candidate apart from the others. Going in person can give you that factor. However, that being said- it also depends on who the person is you speak with in HR. Depending on the culture of the organization,...
  14. Pregnancy and working in ED?

    thanks nohika! been away from allnurses for a while. you are correct in that is what i was saying. pregnant nurses refusing possibly infectious patients (aren't they all?), wanting to do only triage, refusing to assist in turning, cleaning, etc... of...
  15. Pregnancy and working in ED?

    Definitely doable. Worked ED during both pregnancies, one even with complications. A word of advice- please do not try to function as a nurse with a disability. Your coworkers will resent you and your charge nurse will cringe when she sees you. Many ...
  16. Learning to set boundaries

    Two words: visiting hours.
  17. Crazy Work Environment

    In the interest of the safety of your residents....I recommend a telephone call to your state's Health and Human Services Cabinet or LTC ombudsman. Anonymously, of course. Best wishes.
  18. Ethical Question...

    I don't know what kind of facility your mother works for but is it possible that they would offer her the help she needs while keeping her job? A dear colleague of mine developed an addiction a few years ago and went to her employer asking for hel...
  19. Met with supervisor today....

    OK- so fast forward about 10 weeks or so. you are once again the charge nurse and you once again need to correct a co-worker? They know that all they have to do is tattle. Because management has set the precedent that all one has to do is complain ab...
  20. Crazy things pt's do for pain meds.

    The trick that disgusts me the most are parents who insist their kids (young and adolescents alike) need pain meds for whatever problem they have. I am sorry, but unless you have a peritonsillar abscess or 4+ swelling you do NOT need lortab for a so...
  21. Safety Question - Nurses rights

    OSHA...wonder what they may say about this???
  22. Nurse refuses to give or recieve shift report

    I agree with Mulan that risk mgmt needs to be made aware. If it were me, I would do a few things: First, refuse the assignment without report. Second, document such in an incident report and include prior dates that it happened as well. Be sure to i...
  23. Several unresponsive patients at once?!

    Protocols that are approved, signed by the medical director, and staff are educated about would be key in this scenario. ACLS protocols as well- there have been several instances when I or another nurse had to run code until the MD got there. Another...
  24. IV start gone bad

    The convulsion can be from the temporary lack of perfusion to the brain secondary to the bradycardia and hypotension associated with the vasovagal response. Saw it once as it happened after we suctioned some guy's trach. Said, "I don't feel so good....
  25. I was wondering what, if any, changes your facilites have made in visitation policies for this flu pandemic? We have not done so at this time, but I believe there is a committee somewhere discussing it. What types of specific changes did your facilit...