

ED, Ortho, LTC

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About hollysunshine

hollysunshine has 18 years experience and specializes in ED, Ortho, LTC.

I am an RN, currently working in the ED. I have been an RN for 5 years, with 13 years experience as an LPN

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  1. Lining and labing in the waiting room

    We have triage protocols that are complaint driven. Anyone not being seen for crisis or urgent care gets lined and labbed. We can give IV/PO narcs, antiemetics, and fluids. I've really only given...
  2. Scheduling in the ED

    We self schedule 8 weeks at a time with the following rules: 3 Mondays 3 Fridays 5 W/E shifts We have a holiday package (A or B) that flips each year. We get one request off per
  3. NPO in the ER

    I'm convinced there is aerolized THC and Imodium in our department. Every patient who has had diarrhea for days is suddenly unable to provide a specimen and everybody has the
  4. Normal to feel so stupid?

    When those of you who are new look back in a year, you won't recognize yourself. I've been a nurse for 18 years, and spent the last 5 in the ED. I was an experienced nurse when I went to the ED, but...
  5. Best ER Nurse quotes

    Anything can be a suppository if enough force is
  6. How often do EMS crews show up to your dept unannounced?

    They show up unannounced all day long. We only get called on the box if the pt is critical or the medics are requesting the doc to order a med they can't give just based off protocol, like
  7. Hourly Rounding in the ED

    I think we might be at the same hospital. We got an email about the 5 P's. Can't remember the 5th one
  8. Hourly Rounding in the ED

    We just started this in my ED about a month ago. I was already seeing my patients at least every hour, but now we have to document that we updated the plan of care with the patient. We only actually...
  9. 24 Things ER Nurses Know All Too Well

    #? No, I can't give everyone of your family members a work note because they came with you to get your stitches
  10. Things you would like the ICU to understand

    I couldn't have said it any better.
  11. What was the MOST ridiculous thing a patient came to the ER for?

    I recently had an 18 y.o. female come in via EMS. She had been seen several days before and given a script for Cipro for a UTI. She got it filled at the pharmacy and when she got home, realized the...
  12. transferring pts. from ED to floor

  13. Maryland ER - Bayview and Franklin Square

    Platon20 is very wrong about Franklin Square. The ED sees between 350 and 400 patients per day. I would definitely not recommend it for a new grad. Other ED's in the vicinity see approx 160 to 200 per...
  14. The C.R.A.P. Score

    A fellow nurse brought this in the ED where I work and I thought it was cute. THe C.R.A.P. Score by D. Slow P., MD CRAP=(OPS+AF)(SC)(EC) OPS=Old Pain Score AF=Adjustment Factor SC=Story Credibility...
  15. Faxed Reports- Does it decrease length of stays in the ED

    We use Meditech for documentation and the program generates a report. When we get a bed assignment, we call the nurse to let her/him know that report is in the computer. This gives them an opportunity...