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About DerekDoug

DerekDoug has 6 years experience and specializes in MICU/SICU.

Latest Activity

  1. Daily Huddle

    Hi Everybody - I am new to posting to the site so bear with me. I currently work in a 22 bed mixed MICU/SICU. We are having issues regarding lack of communication between staff, management, &...
  2. My first 12hr shift !

    Thank you guys so much! All of your advice is stellar!
  3. My first 12hr shift !

    So, this is my first post to allnurses so bear with me if this is a repeat =-) I attempted some searches but was unsuccessful for my topic. I am a second semester RN student in Ca and I am starting my...
  4. My first 12hr shift !

    So, this is my first post to allnurses so bear with me if this is a repeat =-) I attempted some searches but was unsuccessful for my topic. I am a second semester RN student in Ca and I am starting...