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All Content by kazuki7

  1. How do you make Pharma easier to remember?

    try this one (i made it myself) it covers most of it http://www.flashcardexchange.com/flashcards/view/742881
  2. Second time August NCLEX takers!!!

    i appreciate your words USF_graduate bcoz as of now im reviewing nclex for the 3rd time and a while ago im not sure if i'll gonna pass it this time but bcoz of your words im more confident this time and bcoz everything's on stake here. i have family&...
  3. Anyone fail with 75 questions??

    thanks, anyway i got 2-3 SATA[not sure if i got it all right], quite few meds [like 5-7]that i dont remember but im sure 2-3 of it is on specific med side effect[questions asking only-what is the side effect of ???-which is hard], and only 1 math tha...
  4. Anyone fail with 75 questions??

    this thread gives me the chills, does anyone who stop @ 75 left the test center feeling they did well, and received the result failed? anyway, my 1st exam ended @ 156 and left feeling dumb. my 2nd time ended @ 75 but i felt i did well even if i got s...
  5. Weird Feeling

    nice to hear that, congrats!!!
  6. Weird Feeling

    hmm, how can i start this...anyway, this is my story, I've just finish my exam[nlcex-rn] this july 30[yesterday]. i started with questions easy to comprehend up to 20 and after that, there goes the random high/low lv difficulty question, i have some ...
  7. I Failed!

    hahaha, why does some people got confuse on ur unofficial result its ur fault anyway, goodluck on ur official result, hope u pass against all odds ^^ sry if i offended some :bowingpur
  8. I Failed!

    r u officially failed?errr, i mean, did u receive the actual exam result? if not wait for ur result 1st :wink2: coz theres a lot of people who left the test center feeling the same as you, but passed.
  9. Rationales to Questions not sticking

    Your welcome, BTW careful not to relax to much, specially if u know u haven't got sufficient confidence in ur knowledge, bcoz it will backfire to you. to be honest either way, ur the one who know if ur ready or not. Bcoz i too used the relax "thing" ...
  10. Rationales to Questions not sticking

    vaness, if som1 havent told you of a good patho book yet, i suggest mosby's fifth ed. "biologic basis for disease in adults and children" by McCance and Huether. some of the context r kinda detail and sometimes hard to understand, but thats whats a p...
  11. Second time August NCLEX takers!!!

    hey my friend, i've already told my story on other thread but here goes...i've just took CA nclex-rn this july 30[2nd time], and left the test center with confidence i did it this time[i've finish @ 75 with only 1computation that u wont need a calcu,...
  12. Just took RN NCLEX

    haaayz, majority of people here felt they fail after taking the exam and afterwards they get their result as passed[its like a norm now]. anyways, mines the opposite. i took CA nclex-rn this july 30[the 2nd time], a left the test center premises sing...
  13. Weird Feeling

    thx my frend, and gudluck to u too:D
  14. Weird Feeling

    thx , ur words made me more comfortable on what i did:cool:. and also, i too used saunders, and it help a lot, and i also reviewed a pathophysio book to make it more fun heheh. anyways, thx again^^, ohh btw, how many drug computation question u got...
  15. Rationales to Questions not sticking

    vaness, try reviewing a pathophysiology book again, just a quick review. bcoz it will help u a lot on understanding a lot of med surg/priority questions. :wink2: update: oops, som1 already told u bout' pathophysio , anyways, goodluck ^^
  16. Weird Feeling

    thx, ill tell u guys once i receive my results :)
  17. Emotional MESS...HELP

    ouch, 'ive also took it today, enweiz, were on the same boat (emotionally labile), my story is here, slept only 5 hrs, wake up at 6am and ate only a small meal(thought it wont take that long but NOT). once starting the test, the 1st question is (i do...