

Emergency Nursing; Geriatrics

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About Imagine.Peace

Imagine.Peace specializes in Emergency Nursing; Geriatrics.

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  1. Trivial detail! Littmann Stethoscope Colors

    I vote for raspberry pink :) It's what I have and it's my favorite
  2. Schoolcraft Nursing Program

    No problem at all! Feel free to ask any other questions you think of (even not via PM)! I'll try my best to answer them. I wish you the best of luck!
  3. Schoolcraft Nursing Program

    Congrats on starting Pharm. and Informatics soon! Informatics is a breeze and Pharm. is a lot of work but I'm sure you'll do great! As far as clinicals go in Fundamentals, you spend the first portion...
  4. Schoolcraft Nursing Program

    Hi there! I am currently in my second year of the nursing program at Schoolcraft. What would you like to
  5. Class of 2013 anyone?

    I graduate in May 2013! I'll be done with Peds/Ob soon, then I have Advanced Med Surg, Psych, and Advanced Concepts in Registered Nursing!!! Three more classes until graduation!
  6. Schoolcraft College

    Last I heard, it is still 4-5
  7. In case you're interested in the shoes, here is a link to them on Amazon: [h=1]Skechers Women's Premium-Premix Slip-On Sneaker[/h]...
  8. I got a pair of white leather slip on Sketchers that have no shoe laces but are not clogs. I got them for around $45 on Amazon and they are SO comfortable! All the other student complain after 7 hours...
  9. Do YOU enjoy nursing school?

    I have to say that I am truly enjoying nursing school so far. I have only completed Pharm, Fundamentals, and Nursing Informatics (I start Surgical nursing January 18th!), but I truly am enjoying it! I...
  10. Question for Current Schoolcraft Nursing Students

    I was on the waiting list as of July 2009 and just started Fundamentals this Fall. Although I waited two years, many of my classmates only had to wait one year. A LOT of people got bumped up this year...
  11. What is the passing score for your school?

    Ours is 80% or 79.6% with rounding for the theory/lecture part. We also need to pass the skills lab exam, clinical, and a dosage calc test (3 chances to get 100%) in order to pass the
  12. Schoolcraft Nursing Students- Fall 2011!

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you guys know I started a nursing student group on Facebook for all of us starting this Fall. If you're interested in joining, just search Schoolcraft Nursing Students...
  13. Schoolcraft Nursing Students- Fall 2011!

    I was sitting next to you in our CPR class TruleeblezdRN! :) It was so nice to meet you and a few other people in our CPR class who will be starting the program with us this Fall! I hope everyone is...
  14. Schoolcraft Nursing Students- Fall 2011!

    I'm not sure when they'll be letting us know about our time slot, but I hope they let us know some time in June to give us ample time to rearrange our schedules. I have just about everything done on...
  15. Schoolcraft Nursing Students- Fall 2011!

    TruleeblezdRN, Did you sign up to take it W. Chicago & Merriman tomorrow at 6pm? I'm all signed up to take it there as well