

Family Med, Mental Health, Public Health

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All Content by BSN317

  1. NCLEX studying/book help and Kaplan??

    Hi, school paid for us to take the Kaplan program as well. In my honest opinion, Im glad I didnt have to pay for it out of my pocket. I took the course last year. WASTE OF TIME! I dont understand what the big hoopla is over Kaplan..I couldv...
  2. USPHS

    Sorry goldensfo. I am having bad luck too...Well I am looking into the Air Force now. Although I wanted the USPHS so bad, and I already work in public health and love it. But I really need better benefits for my daughter and I and a means to pay for ...
  3. Hello to all! I am currently pursuing taking my career in a different direction. I have applied for a commission in the US Commissioned Corps, and I am excited about the new beginning. However, I am still a "newbie" as I graduated in May of 2008 and ...
  4. Starting out in Psych

    Hello I graduated last year and right after I took my first RN job in psych with children and adolescents working 2nd shift. I was pregnant at the time. I loved that job--and I was one of the students who said "I will never work in psych-EVER!" LOL I...
  5. Hello, I had a C-section 9 months ago, and about 2 days after I was up and feeling pretty good. I think it just depends on the individual, your incision, your tolerance level, and your overall physical health. I am 24 years old and frankly i DID NOT ...
  6. Hello, I got pregnant during my last year of nursing school. I found out In December, and my baby was due in August (after graduation). I was very scared, upset, excited, discouraged all at the same time. It was an emotional rollercoaster. My first t...
  7. 1st RN job

    Hey, you sound a lot like me. When I graduated last May, I was pregnant. Yet, I still pushed and took boards, etc. I was lucky enough to secure a job even while pregnant. I disclosed this at my interview and everything. Anyways, the position was in m...
  8. Anyone work at GRADY MEMORIAL in Atlanta?

    TeeTee, congrats on your new job. What area will you be working in? I have been looking on their site often and I see a lot of position but none I would qualify for. When did you apply? I have heard stories about Grady but I heard its getting better ...
  9. Have they made quota for Army Reserves?

    Hello Waiting_28: I am not sure where you are located, or if that even relates to this issue. But, I was also interested in the Army reserves. I went and spoke with a recruiter and all, but he told me I could go ahead and do all the paperwork, but I ...
  10. USPHS

    goldensfo..that is very much true. I dont know why they seem to imply that the CAM's "recruit" applicants. When I think of "recruit" I think of other military services where the recruiters actually assist and guide much more heavily. No disrespect to...
  11. USPHS

    Oh, to answer your question, no they didnt interview me on the phone. One contact from the BOP did make the statement (in an email)...."call me so I can get you the necessary paperwork to get you in for an interview." Yet I call and call and she is n...
  12. USPHS

    Yeah..thanks for the advice!!! I hope we all make it :)
  13. USPHS

    Yeah...I applied by calling...emailing...most anything short of stalking! :) J/K but it seems that way because you have to keep calling and emailing people a lot. I dont think you can apply before passing boards...because I had to send in proof of my...
  14. USPHS

    AWanderingMinstral: Hello, I am in your same position!! I have applied to the USPHS, passed the nursing board..applied to positions..and HEARD ZILCH! It is highly frustrating to say the least. This is a great opportunity for me, but I just wonder why...
  15. US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps

    I am REALLY interested in joining the PHS..but am having major difficulty finding a position. I graduated last year and have worked in mental health and now public health. I have applied and passed the nursing board-they gave me the green light to st...