did anyone read the reports of brain death during the beach chair position in the apsa newsletter? one lady was in her mid 40's and healthy. controlled hypotenion (sbp also, vision loss should be...
One should raise the obvious question of whether or not the hospital houses a large anesthesiology residency program. I suspect that any institution that runs 2:1 is, in fact, an academic and not...
I passed too! I found out this afternoon. I had heard rumors that the envelope comes addressed as "your name" CRNA, however when I didn't see those 4 very important letters after my name on the...
I took the big quiz on Jan. 28, but still have not heard anything yet. A friend in my program took it on Jan. 12'ish, and found out in 20 days. Sprout - any
charles-thor replied to Toby's mum's topic in MICU, SICU
Most ett cuffs utilized today employ low pressure and high volume balloons. The appropriate question should have been, "what is the maximum PRESSURE that is acceptable in an ett balloon - as...
charles-thor replied to fedupnurse's topic in PACU
How to give anestheisa. You ready??? Induction - Give a syring of anestheisa. Give just enough, but certainly not too much! Maintance - Cuddle up to a good book, and try to stay warm. Emergence -...
hi all. with a week until ANESTHEISA boards, i was wondering what everyone's suggestions are with respect to getting the most out of the next several days of studying. thanks in advance. sorry - i...
Spinal for C-section means you’ve got at least a T4 level. It’s probably fairly safe to assume that some, if not all, of her cardiac accelerators are blocked, thus beta blockade wouldn’t be my...
Not to confuse things further, but a relationship does exist between MAC and potency, in that the two are inversely related. MAC is how we compare potency amongst the inhalation agents. Agents in...
This is such a great topic, but I’m probably bias as this was the focus of my research requirement for school. Bradycardia leading to cardiac arrest with spinal anesthesia is probably a more common...
Hemodilution affects both hgb and hct. Imagine a set volume (the patient's blood volume) in which hgb is in solution - say a blood volume of 50 dl and a hgb concentration of 14 g/dl. If you add...
the prospect of the unantisipated difficult airway, albeit a pretty rare event, is something the anesthesia provider must have tucked away in the back of his/her mind in order to best prevent a bad...