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All Content by HouTx

  1. HouTx

    need advice

    Most employers have some sort of tuition assistance program, but it's not unusual for this amount to only be about $1,000 per year. This won't pay for very much. These programs are usually for reimbursement - you have to pay up front. It's true th...
  2. HouTx

    How to Decide About a Job Offer?

    Just because the facility is not a 'trauma center' doesn't mean that they do not receive trauma patients. That designation is primarily tied to reimbursement, marketing and (probably) to coordinate the trauma network services. In most metro areas, ...
  3. HouTx

    CNS or Nurse Educator?

    I did a dual MSN (CNS & Education) because I just couldn't make up my mind. I totally agree with Grumpy - the CNS role is not well defined so those roles tend to be 'all over the place'. I am very gratified to notice an improved outlook for M...
  4. I'd urge caution with an MHA degree if that is going to be your ticket into healthcare (no prior experience as a healthcare manager). This continues to be a "good old boys" network. There are a few, select programs that populate the lion's share of...
  5. Agree with PPs. I can understand your feeling of alienation if you're not used to functioning in a largely female environment. Since I'm not really qualified to know for sure, I can only surmise that the topics of normal female-speak are differen...
  6. HouTx

    Is he shirking a crap job or am I just in a bad mood?

    From a nurse manager perspective - I'd really want to know if I hired a nurse who could not fulfill all job requirements. While it's OK to accommodate staff's religious/ethical beliefs or patient wishes, it is absolutely unacceptable to enable one s...
  7. Unfortunately, if the probation is associated with any practice stipulations there may be a mis-match with the refresher course curriculum. For instance, if the course requires students to demonstrate effective pain management & the stips prohibi...
  8. HouTx

    Trying to have a baby in flyover country

    Interesting article. I was also dismayed about the very brief mention of CNM contribution to quality OB care.... just a couple of sentences. It would have been a much better piece if the author had reached out to a qualified CNM representative for ...
  9. HouTx

    what counts as experience in specialty areas?

    My organization 'counts' CST experience at 50% for new grad RN hires into OR... So, 4 yrs CST = 2 yrs RN. This is a special deal that is just in the OR - otherwise, the only non-nursing job that is factored in the same way is LVN & only if the ...
  10. HouTx

    Nursing School Lost

    It is not unusual for test/quiz items to appear to be unrelated to the lecture or reading material.... this is because those items are designed to force you to analyze the underlying concepts. Ex: lecture covers respiratory pathophys, including the...
  11. Wow - (educator here) I'm nearly at a loss for words. As a student without a license of your own, you ARE practicing under your clinical instructor's license. Any of your mistakes are HER MISTAKES. It is her responsibility to oversee your actions (e...
  12. If you are able to invest in a resource that will be useful throughout your nursing career, I wholeheartedly recommend Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology. It's pricey, but I believe that when you purchase the latest edition, you can re...
  13. HouTx

    After NCLEX and Job hunting

    I think it's great that you have such interesting career aspirations. In my part of the country, most employers have stopped hiring any new grads before they pass NCLEX - because it creates a huge mess if they don't. So you may want to investigate...
  14. HouTx

    Grades not good but want to persue a career in nursing

    PP's advice is exactly on target. Nursing education is bound by very rigid requirements - not just for admission, but throughout the entire process. It's very unforgiving, with no accommodation for individual problems or issues. So - if you know...
  15. Nursing education prepares us to perform Nursing Tasks... nursing and medicine are separate professions. Physicians practice medicine, we practice nursing. If you want to refer to the entire industry, just call it health care. I used to believe t...
  16. HouTx

    How to put AA, AS degree to use?

    If you're in a nursing job, it is unlikely that non-nursing degrees will add any value. Higher level nursing jobs have less emphasis on clinical skills and more on administrative, operational, and leadership skills & knowledge. Believe me, the a...
  17. HouTx

    Working while sick

    I understand OP's frustration. Many employers use a PTO system for ALL non-worked time (vacation, holiday, sick time). I have been told that the rationale for this is to prevent unnecessary call-ins. IMO, this pretty much guarantees that sick peo...
  18. HouTx

    I am struggling with depression

    Please take care of yourself - this needs to be your priority. At the same time, make sure that you follow your program's formal process for withdrawal / leave taking - rather than just ghosting - so that when/if you are ready to return to your stu...
  19. HouTx

    I just want to quit..

    CONGRATS on your baby! Very exciting. Honestly? It seems pretty clear that your interest has waned & there are other priorities in your life right now. It's OK. Talk to your dad and let him know how you feel. Speaking as a parent, I would be ...
  20. HouTx

    Advice please?

    In the US, pre-licensure nursing education produces nurse generalists. There is no opportunity to specialize until after you obtain your license. Employers provide training programs for inexperienced nurses who are hired into OB areas. If you pur...
  21. HouTx

    Basic Pharmacology - Pre Nursing

    Pharmacology can be challenging, but if you do well in pre-requisites such as Micro, Chemistry and A&P, you will be much better prepared for success. If you're very concerned, the intro course may be a good idea but it will extend the time, eff...
  22. I can attest to the accuracy of Commuter's statement about the local employment market for LVNs. However, if you're looking for "ADN friendly" hospitals, you'll have to look outside any community hospitals that are part of any of the major hospital ...
  23. How exciting for you - to be able to travel & live in London. Maturation is a wonderful thing. A definite career goal (nursing) is a much stronger motivator than HS graduation... which for many of us, was pretty much "just get me out of here ...
  24. Your frustration and stress is very understandable. . . I know that it's not going to make you feel any better, but this is a common situation for new grads in highly popular 'destination cities'. Austin is one of those - they have been experiencing...
  25. HouTx

    Worried about skill mix

    The tried and true method of determining skill mix is to actually do some work sampling.... do determine the quantity & type of patient care that is being delivered. I did a lot of this in previous jobs. There are a lot of Google resources out ...